Political leaders throughout the United States are reportedly interested in returning to a tougher approach on crime. There are even some cases in which lawmakers and voters have chosen to reverse the criminal justice reforms that were passed years ago.

San Francisco Voters Want More Police Power, Addiction Treatment Mandates

San Francisco voters apparently want to give police more power. In addition to that, the votes from the majority showed that they are also in support of addiction treatment requirements for those who need welfare assistance.

Source: Pixabay/Franz P. Sauerteig

Multiple reports have confirmed that the San Francisco voters made that clear by supporting two separate propositions that offered those provisions.

Proposition E Focuses On Giving Police More Leeway In Suspect Pursuits

“Proposition E” reportedly granted police a little more opportunity and “wiggle room” when it comes to the vehicular pursuit of suspects. It also gives police the authority to use surveillance cameras and drones.

Source: Pixabay/Anja

Proposition E will also reduce the paperwork requirements currently enforced within police precincts. The Associated Press confirmed that this includes cases involving use-of-force.

Proposition F Makes Drug Treatment Mandatory For Select Welfare Recipients

“Proposition F” focuses on drug addiction treatment protocol and select welfare recipients. The proposition makes it mandatory for welfare recipients that use illicit substances to participate in drug addiction treatment programs.

Source: Pixabay/Max

The welfare recipients in question still have the choice of refusing to participate in the program. However, their refusal could lead to being denied cash assistance.

San Francisco Mayor Uses Victory To Send Two-Part Message

San Francisco May London Breed, who placed both propositions on the ballot, was able to claim a victory on Tuesday with the results. Both measures reportedly had commanding leads even with the partial returns.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Breed issued a statement in which she essentially referenced a two-part message that he wanted to send the city with the victory. According to Breed, the first part was that San Francisco is “a city that offers help.” On the other hand, Breed also wanted to make it clear that it is “not a city where you can just come and do whatever you want on our streets.”

Opponents Blamed Tech Billionaires, Accusing Them Of Peppering Voters

Many of those that opposed the propositions accused tech billionaires of using misleading information to pepper voters. They also accused them of trying to buy the actual election.

Source: Pixabay/Startup Stock Photos

In addition, they expressed sincere discontent over the low voter turnout. One advocacy group executive director, Celi Tamayo-Lee, stated that the “record low turnout for this presidential primary” is “disheartening.” They added that “what has been counted is not the voice of all voters.”

Breed Took Proposition F To Ballot Even After Rejected By Board Of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors did not have a unanimous agreement regarding Proposition F. On the contrary, it was reportedly viewed as highly divisive within the Board. Some members even described the proposal as punitive and cruel.

Source: Pixabay/KZD

However, Breed did not allow the opposition within the Board to hinder his plans. He pushed the measure forward to the ballot even after the supervisors rejected it.

Billionaire Chris Larsen Donated $350 To Campaign Committee

Billionaire Chris Larsen made headlines when he topped the list of early donors interested in Breed’s campaign for Proposition E. The Ripple Labs Executive Chairman reportedly donated $250,000 to the committee representing Proposition E.

Source: Flickr/Fortune Brainstorm Tech

Larsen essentially joined such organizations as the San Francisco Police Officers Association as well as well as SV Angel for a collective $400,000 war chest contribution in support of the same measure. Larsen also made a $100,000 donation to the committee that represented Proposition F.

Larsen Claims Proposition F Is ‘Readjusting Where We Went Off Track’

Larsen claimed in a recent phone interview with the San Francisco Standard that Proposition F is essentially “readjusting where we went off track.” Larsen added that “we have to get a handle” on situations where people are “dying on the street, with fentanyl and some of these new drugs which are even worse.”

Source: Flickr/Ray Kwa

Larsen further explained that there is a need to “be compassionate.” However, he believes that “we just cannot keep doing the same thing” – especially since “we have a record number of people who have died this year again.”

More Details About How Proposition F Would Impact Illegal Drug Users

Proposition F would require single adults that do not have dependents that are currently on local welfare to be screened for illegal drug use. The Associated Press reports that this would include about 9,000 people each year.

Source: Pixabay/Steve Buissinne

If a tested individual is found to be using drugs, the welfare recipient will work with an addiction specialist to create a treatment plan. The plan would consist of individual counseling, a 12-step program, and replacement medication.

Proposition F Excludes Sobriety Requirement, Focuses On ‘Good Faith’ Effort

Another highlight of Proposition F is that there was no sobriety requirement included within the measure. The only requirement is that the welfare recipient in question must make a good-faith effort to participate in the treatment plan created for them by the addiction specialist.

Source: Pixabay/Myriams Fotos

Compliance with the plan is required, however, to continue receiving cash assistance. Multiple reports confirm that the cash assistance amount maxes out at a little more than $700 each month.

City Government Worker Claims ‘Police Need More Accountability, Not Less’

Bernice Casey, a San Francisco resident and city government worker, voted against both propositions. Casey believes that the people receiving the aid “should not be drug tested.”

Source: Flickr/Tomas Del Coro

According to Casey, she thinks that “police need more accountability, not less.” Other people have criticized the measures as well since there are not enough treatment beds available for those who may be required to get the assistance to retain their welfare benefits.

Council Of District Of Columbia Pass Secure DC Legislation, ACT Now Of 2023

The Council of the District of Columbia passed the Secure DC omnibus legislation on Tuesday as well. This included provisions outlined in Mayor Muriel Bowser’s “Safer Stronger” Amendment Act of 2023.

Source: Flickr/Lori Shaull

In addition, it also covered the Addressing Crime Trends Now Act (also referred to as “ACT Now”) of 2023.

Mayor Bowser Says Secure DC Is ‘Critical Step’ In Rebuilding Of Washington, DC

Mayor Bowser issued a statement after her victory on Tuesday regarding the rebuilding of the District of Columbia. She stated that the passing and implementation of Secure DC was a “critical step in the work to build a safer DC.” The focus will be on “rebalancing our public safety and justice ecosystem in favor of safety and accountability.”

Source: Wikimedia/US Air Force Tech Sgt Andy Dunaway

Mayor Bowser also used the statement to express gratitude for “all the people who made their voices heard and demanded action.”

Mayor Bowser Sends Two-Part Message About DC After Legislation Victory

Mayor Bowser also used the statement to send a two-part message about her city as well. She started by stating that DC is a city “that is committed to creating opportunity” and “believes in second chances.”

Source: Wikimedia/US Capitol

However, she made it clear in the second part of the message that they “will not tolerate violence” and “criminal activity that disrupts our sense of safety and our ability to build thriving neighborhoods.”