Stephen Colbert reported Joe Biden jumping ahead with a new 6-point Quinnipiac lead over Donald Trump. As Colbert outlined on-air, Biden’s low-key style contrasted with Trump’s incendiary rhetoric is proving effective. Colbert said issues like abortion restrictions and Trump’s sexual misconduct are pushing key blocs like women voters toward Team Blue as well.

Women Voters Spurn Trump

Highlighting the poll, Colbert noted Biden’s 22-point lead among women – 58% to 36%. As he outlined, policies around reproductive rights and Trump’s past harassment allegations are driving this exodus. Colbert added seeing Biden ahead is like “finding punch in a turd bowl” – gaining due to Trump’s increasing extremes. Beyond politics, he gave the President props for his viral photo-op with Avengers icon Chris Evans too – a savvy pop culture move showing Biden’s down-to-earth side.

Source: AP

As Colbert described, Biden gifting Captain America his signature aviator shades strengthened Biden’s branding. It taps into memes casting Biden as a steadying elder statesman akin to Evans’ aged superhero character. Using pop culture to offset Democratic stereotypes is a smart strategy that Colbert appreciates.

Shocking Election Plot Exposed

Colbert also tore into reports Trump proposed federal seizure of state voting machines after 2020 to hunt for election fraud, calling it an authoritarian power grab. But even loyalist Rudy Giuliani shot down this alarming notion fast over legal concerns and dreadful optics.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

As Colbert emphasized, Giuliani noted they needed real criminal cause to justify confiscating equipment – not partisan fishing efforts. The fact Trump’s top henchman objected signals how truly dangerous such schemes were behind closed doors, Colbert warned.

Colbert Slams Haley’s Racism Denial

Colbert also ripped 2024 GOP candidate Nikki Haley for claiming America has never had institutional racism. As he brutally rebutted on-air, “You’d have to have 3/5 of a brain” to ignore atrocities like slavery. Boldly overlooking our deep racism indicates major ignorance by Haley.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Invoking the racist Three-Fifths Compromise, Colbert blasted Haley’s blindness toward current scholarship around inequality. While her position might work with very right-wing crowds, statements completely ignoring systemic discrimination seem completely divorced from reality to him.

Women Voters Favor Biden Agenda

Circling back to polling, Colbert outlined Biden’s dominant 58% to 36% lead among women voters – amounting to a 22% advantage. As he theorized, opposition to Republican efforts around abortion restrictions seems a major factor pushing females toward team blue.

Source: AFP

Beyond policy, Colbert suggested Biden taking sexual misconduct seriously while conservatives downplay past allegations also boost the President’s positioning with women. If these gaps persist, female voters may single-handedly secure Biden’s 2024 reelection hopes.

Colbert Praises Biden’s Pop Culture Fluency

Amusingly, Colbert highlighted Biden’s playful recent hangout with Marvel’s Captain America star Chris Evans as another small boost to Biden’s savvy personal image. As Colbert described, Biden gifting Evans his signature aviator shades strengthened Biden’s branding as down-to-earth and culturally plugged-in-helpful associations for Democrats.

Source: Youtube/Chris Evans

Colbert called out the physical resemblance to Evans’ own aged Captain America character from the Avengers series too. Casting Biden as a hero ushering America into a new stabilizing era helps capture voters’ imaginations and offset stodgy Democratic stereotypes.

Trumps Rhetoric Is Toxic

As Colbert outlined in his monologue, Trump echoing Adolf Hitler’s extremist rhetoric about immigrants “poisoning American blood” seems the catalyst for Biden overtaking Trump in polling – chilling language that alienates all general election voters outside Trump’s hardline base.

Source: Wikimedia/Prezydent USA, Donald Trump w Polsce

As Colbert emphasized with a theatrical barfing gesture, this violent, dehumanizing tone “poisons” the very social fabric now. It threatens to rip communities apart by encouraging retaliation. Meanwhile, his contrasts to Biden’s unifying messaging around restoring stability and mutual understanding resonate much wider. Waving his hands frantically, Colbert predicts if Trump doesn’t course correct tone-wise, even more, swing voters may flock to team blue soon rather than live under threat.

Colbert Blasts Election Machine Plot

Colbert also excoriated insane reports Trump proposed federal seizure of state voting machines immediately after his 2020 defeat to comb them for election fraud evidence. Yet even loyal enforcer Rudy Giuliani rapidly rebuffed this nightmare concept on its dreadful optics and stark illegality.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

As Colbert shouted while miming his disbelief, Giuliani stressed law enforcement requires specific evidence implicating an actual crime to forcibly confiscate private property – not launch partisan fishing expeditions nationwide. The fact Trump’s top lawyer rejected this deranged scheme outright signals how truly dangerous and extra-legal the former President’s thinking had become behind closed doors, Colbert raved.

Biden Woos Women Voters

Returning to polling results, Colbert highlighted Biden’s overwhelming 22-point lead among women voters – 58% favoring the President while only 36% still picked Trump.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

As Colbert outlined, opposition to Republican threats against federal abortion rights seems a major catalyst pushing females toward Team Blue. But beyond just policy contrasts, Colbert also suggested Biden taking sexual assault allegations seriously while conservatives reflexively vilify victims boosts Biden substantially with suburban women voters overall. His tone upholding female autonomy and dignity contrasts favorably against Trump’s past of minimizing misconduct claims.

Colbert Mocks Autocratic Voting Scheme

Colbert also shredded reports Trump pushed federal seizure of state voting machines to dig for election fraud, calling it an assault on democracy. Yet even loyal enforcer Rudy Giuliani rapidly rebuffed this alarming concept on its dreadful optics and illegality.

Source: Wikimedia/Myotus

As Colbert noted, Giuliani emphasized they needed real criminal cause to justify confiscating equipment…not partisan fishing efforts. The fact Trump’s top henchman objected signals how truly dangerous such schemes were, he warned again.

Rhetoric Hands Biden Lead

Summarizing recent analysis, Colbert attributed much of Biden’s new 6-point polling lead to letting Trump damage himself through extremist Hitler-echoing rhetoric and authoritarian policy ideas that repel most Americans. As Colbert outlined, women voters in particular are rejecting Trump’s discriminatory vision.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

If Biden strengthens outreach to marginalized demographics while converting some disenchanted GOP moderates, Colbert thinks he can leverage these growing contrasts with Trump’s volatility to replicate his 2020 victory. As Colbert closed again, avoiding messy public battles and reaffirming unifying American values can inspire higher turnout for Democrats based on current trends.