Former President Donald Trump has been in multiple lawsuits throughout his career. Some were about settling corporate differences, while others were about criminal charges. Recently, he filed a lawsuit against Orbis Business Intelligence.

How did it go? It was dismissed by the judge. They claimed it had no merit and was a waste of the court’s time and resources. But why did Trump sue in the first place? Why did the judge quickly dismiss the suit? Let’s explore the topic to answer these questions.

Trump Sues Orbis Business Intelligence

Donald Trump recently filed a case against Orbis Business Intelligence. The British company offers private investigation and counseling for clients. In other words, they can be hired to provide personal information on legal grounds. So why the lawsuit from Trump?

Source: Orbis Business Intelligence

The former president claimed that Orbis Business Intelligence released false information about him to the public. This information eventually spread over the internet because of BuzzFeed. But how bad were the details?

‘Trump Had Perverted Sexual Acts In Russia’ – Orbis Business Intelligence

Orbis Business Intelligence made a connection between Trump’s election campaign and Russia. They claimed Trump was working with Russia to secure his position as president. However, the claims don’t end there.

Source: Wikimedia/William Vasta

The dossier released about Trump also included a spicy. According to Trump, it claimed he had performed “perverted sexual acts” in Russia. But besides false information, publishing the document was illegal.

Orbis Violated British Data Protection Laws

The case against Orbis is classified as a Data Protection Lawsuit. This means that the firm violated British data protection laws by publishing its findings publicly. What’s worse is that the dossier was sponsored by politicians opposing Trump. This also includes Hillary Clinton.

Source: Unsplash/Markus Spiske

According to multiple sources, criminal investigation reports are not public information. They usually only release such information if the government asks to make it public. Therefore, Orbis may have violated data protection laws in 2017.

The Court Dismissed The Case

Lawsuits usually go through a scrutinization process. This phase decides whether it is fit for court or should be dismissed. Such a rule ensures the law conserves its resources for more severe cases. So what happened to Trump’s suit?

Source: Legal Cheek

Judge Karen Steyn claimed that the case against Orbis Business Intelligence was not worthwhile. She said, “There are no compelling reasons to allow the claim to proceed to trial.” But how’s that possible since Orbis possibly violated the law?

Trump Filed The Suit Too Late

There’s a legal concept called The Statute of Limitations. This law sets the maximum time someone can file a lawsuit after the event occurred. So, since he took too long to file his case, he cannot ask for compensation anymore.

Source: Wikimedia

It’s been seven years since the “misleading” information about Trump appeared on BuzzFeed. The judge claimed that Trump was aware of the dossier since 2017 but did not attempt to seek justice for his reputation. Sadly for him, the case has exceeded its Statute of Limitations.

The Judge Also Doesn’t Care If The Allegations Are True Or False

Trump’s Lawyer also claimed that the allegations published by BuzzFeed were false. He called them “egregiously inaccurate” and included “made-up” details. Shockingly, the judge acknowledged this statement but didn’t care.


Judge Steyn understood Trump’s lawyer’s argument. However, it didn’t matter since the Statute of Limitations had expired. In Steyn’s words, “I have not considered, or made any determination, as to the accuracy or inaccuracy of the (allegations).”

Trump Doesn’t Want Compensation, But A Fight

Many agree that the judge’s conclusion makes sense. If Trump cared, he would have filed the suit long ago. So why demand for compensation now? Orbis Business Intelligence gave their thoughts on the matter.

Source: Matrix Chambers / Flickr/Palacio do Planalto

Orbis attorney Antony White said that Trump deeply hates the private firm. He has a history of violence and regularly makes false statements about his enemies or people he grudges against.

There Are Several Ongoing Cases Involving Trump

The Orbis case is one of many legal battles involving Trump. For example, the former president is currently waiting for a verdict in a civil fraud trial. The case alleged that he and his company executives deceived banks to secure loans.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

There are also four criminal cases against the former president. He was accused of misusing classified documents. He also allegedly paid money to a porn actress to hide an affair. Lastly, he’s also accused of trying to sabotage the 2020 election.

Why Did Orbis Investigate Trump In The First Place?

Orbis Business Intelligence didn’t directly investigate Trump. Their goal was to find out if Russia would have any interference in that year’s general election. Coincidentally, the investigation involved Donald Trump.

Source: Wikipedia

Orbis published its findings to the FBI. It also went to a British national security officer and an aide to the US senator. So why did such secret information become public? Surprisingly, it was never intended to reach BuzzFeed.

BuzzFeed Wasn’t Supposed To Publish The Dossier

Orbis commented on the case of the published information. According to Mr Steele, the file was merely a patch of memos from the investigation. They never meant to print the document or make it public.

Source: Wikimedia/Katy Blackwood

According to the BBC, BuzzFeed News later received the report. It contained unsupported claims of Donald Trump’s relationship with the Kremlin. Afterward, the public quickly got hold of the news and contributed to damaging Trump’s reputation.

What Happens Next For Trump and Steele?

For now, there’s no case. The judge ruled it had no merit, primarily because of how long it took to file the suit. So, Trump leaves without compensation or any redemption for his image. But what about Orbis Business Intelligence?

Source: Wikimedia Commons / Flickr/VCU Capital News Service

People are questioning their competence. For example, a report by the US Department of Justice resurfaced. It details that the FBI had “raised doubts about the reliability of some of Steele’s reports”. So, while Trump didn’t win the case, it may already set a domino effect to Orbis’s demise.