A Columbia professor referred to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) as an “agent of chaos” Wednesday after she referred to anti-Israel protesters as “nonviolent.” The professor was reportedly barred from campus after they hosted a pro-Jewish rally.

Professor Shai Davidai Referred To AOC As ‘Agent Of Chaos’ In Interview

Professor Shai Davidai opened up about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during an interview with “America’s Newsroom.” He stated that “AOC is agent of chaos.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/King of Hearts

He further expressed that he is “looking forward to my kids and grandkids reading about this chapter in history.” He added that they would see AOC’s name referenced among the “list of all the rabid anti-Semites.”

Professor Claims ‘This Is Not A Peaceful Protest’, Accuses AOC Of Lying

The professor indicated that “this is not a peaceful protest.” He also accused Ocasio-Cortez of lying during his interview.

Source: CNN

Davidai was reportedly born in Israel. He has also criticized Columbia’s response to the protests and planned to host a counter-demonstration.

Ocasio-Cortez Referenced ‘Nonviolent Demonstrations Of Young Students’ In Online Post

Ocasio-Cortez wrote about the demonstrations on X/Twitter Tuesday. She stated that “calling in police enforcement on nonviolent demonstrations of young students on campus is an escalatory, reckless and dangerous act.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Dmitri Rodriguez

She added that it “represents a heinous failure of leadership that puts people’s lives at risk.” Ocasio-Cortez concluded her post by stating that she condemns it “in the strongest possible terms.”

Chaos On Columbia Campus Compelled Rabbi To Warn Students To Leave

The chaos on the Columbia campus reportedly reached a significant level of concern and caution. The primary focus was shifted towards keeping the students safe.

Source: CNN

One Columbia rabbit even told the Jewish students to leave the campus. The Orthodox rabbit recommended that they go home since anti-Israel agitators retained their “encampment ” on campus.

Rabbi Told Students To Evacuate ‘As Soon As Possible’ Until Situation Improved

Rabbi Elie Buechler, who currently serves as the director of OU-LJIC at the college, informed students via WhatsApp that they should leave “as soon as possible.” It was recommended that they not return until the situation on campus improved.

Source: Axios

Rabbi Buechler added that “what we are witnessing in and around campus is terrible and tragic.” Participants were reportedly caught on camera espousing providing full support for violence and terrorism towards Jewish students.

Rabbi Claimed, ‘The NYPD Cannot Guarantee Jewish Students’ Safety’

Rabbi Buechler added that “the events of the last few days” have “made it clear” that the New York Police Department (NYPD) and Columbia University’s Public Safety “cannot guarantee Jewish students’ safety in the face of extreme antisemitism and anarchy.” The rabbi further expressed that it “deeply pains” him to recommend to the students that they stay at home.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Anthony Quintano

Buechler added that the students should “remain home until the reality in and around the campus has dramatically improved.”

‘It Is Not Our Job As Jews To Ensure Our Own Safety On Campus’, Claims Rabbi

Rabbi Buechler further expressed that “it is not our job as Jews to ensure our own safety on campus.” The rabbi added that “no one should have to endure this level of hatred, let alone at school.”

Source: Pixabay/Shatishira

The anti-Israel encampment within the locked campus has reportedly remained. Multiple reports confirm that police officers are able to observe it from the across the gates.

Anti-Israel Chants From Demonstrators Heard Throughout The Campus

There has reportedly been a significant amount of chanting being done on campus with conflicting messages relayed by the different groups represented. For instance, some demonstrators have chanted “Free, Free Palestine.”

Source: Pixabay/Ic3105

Others have stated “Hamas, we love you. We support your rockets too!” Another set of chants have stated “Burn Tel Aviv to the ground” or “kill another soldier now.”

Ben Shapiro: ‘Columbia Has No Obligation To Coddle Terror Supporters’

Ben Shapiro, a frequent campus speaker and podcast host, stated that “Columbia has no obligation to coddle terror supporters who harass students.” He also indicated that they “obstruct the functioning of the university.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

Shapiro further expressed that universities “have spent literally years telling conservatives on campus to shut up.” He added that Columbia has “spent months” coddling terror supporters since October 7.

Shapiro: ‘Columbia’s Latest Protests Weren’t Designed To Be Peaceful’

Shapiro also explained that Columbia’s latest series of protests “weren’t designed to be peaceful.” On the contrary, “they were designed to intimidate and harass.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Alisdare Hickson

Shapiro described that the most recent protests featured pro-Hamas attendees that were celebrating and cheering for October 7th. According to Shapiro, they reportedly pledged a new October 7 “every day” and scream that “we’re all Hamas.”

Davidai Compared AOC To Rashida Tlaib, Actress Cynthia Nixon

Davidai mentioned that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is “lying to the people just like Rashida Tlaib, just like Cynthia Nixon from ‘Sex and the City.'” He even added a reference to the New York Times within the same line of comparisons.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/US Congress

Rashida Tlaib, who is currently the sole Palestinian American in Congress, has been scrutinized by critics and censured by House lawmakers regarding her actions and remarks made in the response to the Israel-Hamas war. The resolution censured the Democrat representative of Michigan for “promoting false narratives” regarding the Hamas attack on Israel “and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.”

Rep. Rich McCormick On Tlaib: ‘It’s A Sad Fact’, But ‘We Must Hold Her Accountable’

Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) reportedly authored the censure resolution in November regarding Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Before the vote, McCormick mentioned on the House floor that “it is a sad fact, but this type of antisemitic hate is being promoted by a small group of members in this body – chiefly Rep. Tlaib.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/US Embassy Dhaka

McCormick added that “we must hold her accountable.” The resolution passed with a vote of 234 to 188 with four Republicans opposing the measure as 22 Democrats voted for it.

Actress Cynthia Nixon Criticized For Lying About Gaza Casualty Numbers

Actress Cynthia Nixon was criticized for her appearance on the daytime television show The View in December when she discussed the Gaza casualties and the Holocaust. Some critics agree that she promoted “a clear falsehood” about the casualties and “weaponized her children’s Jewish identity against the Jewish state.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Nixon also claimed that there were “over 16,000 civilians, Palestinians in Gaza” that died within an 8-week period, which included ‘over 7,000 children.” The Associated Press debunked her claims with a November 6 report that confirmed that the Gaza Health ministry, which is run by Hamas, “never distinguishes between civilians and combatants.” The report further indicated that the “Health Ministry doesn’t report how Palestinians were killed” either.

Cynthia Nixon Claimed That The US Killed More Than ‘16,000 People’ In Afghanistan

The Sex and the City actress also claimed that 16,000 people killed exceeds the number of people that the United States killed in Afghanistan. A report from Brown University estimated that there were over 46,000 Afghan civilians killed in Afghanistan.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/PFC Cameron Boyd

Further reports indicate that even that number is “likely a significant underestimation.” According to the report, a more apt comparison would be the nearly 100,000 lives that were estimated to be lost in Afghanistan when the civilian and soldier numbers were combined.