There was reportedly one piece of “gold” evidence found within the unsealed indictment related to the Arizona fake electors plot, according to a legal expert. Former U.S. President Trump was not charged as part of the probe but was referenced throughout the indictment.

Arizona Attorney General Charged 18 People In Connection With Plot

The office of Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes reportedly charged 18 people in connection with an alleged plot to falsely claim that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election in Arizona. The people charged include attorney Jenna Ellis, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and longtime Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

As mentioned, Trump himself was not named as one of the people charged. However, the indictment included numerous references to Donald Trump as the “Unindicted Coconspirator 1.”

List Of People Charged Included Arizona Republican Party Chair, Two Arizona Senators

The list of people charged included such names as Michael Ward, Jacob Hoffman, and Anthony Kern. Michael Ward served as the Arizona Republican Party chair. Kern and Hoffman both serve as state senators representing Arizona.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

The list also included such names as Tyler Bowyer, Kelli Ward, Nancy Cottle, James Lamon, and Robert Montgomery. Samuel Moorhead, Gregory Safsten, Samuel Moorhead, and Lorraine Pellegrino were also added to the list.

Kern, Hoffman Would Not Be Disqualified From Serving In U.S. Congress

Senator Anthony Kern (R-Glendale) is currently running an election for the congressional seat that was recently vacated by U.S. Rep. Debbie Lesko. Senator Jake Hoffman is currently aiming for an additional term within the Arizona Legislature.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

With their names on the list of the people indicted, the question has been raised of whether the indictment would affect their congressional career paths. According to the Congressional Research Service, an indictment or even a felony conviction would not disqualify either of them from running for U.S. Congress.

Convictions Would Not Lead To Automatic Forfeiture Of Congressional Office

According to the Congressional Research Service, the conviction of a crime does not “automatically forfeit” the offices of Members of Congress. A CRS Report for Congress discusses the matter in great detail within its 13 pages of content.

Source: Wikimedia/Martin Falbisoner

The report indicates that there is “no express constitutional disability or ‘disqualification’ from Congress” that currently exists for convictions. The only one that currently applies is outlined within the Fourteenth Amendment for “certain treasonous conduct.”

Former Pentagon Special Counsel Highlights ‘Gold In Hands’ Of Prosecutors

Former Pentagon Special Counsel Ryan Goodman highlighted one particular section of the indictment that focuses on those associated with Donald Trump. According to the report, Goodman believes that they were aware of a conspiracy that would allegedly certify “illegal votes.”

Source: Medium/Cboe Digital Insights

He referenced the section that focused on how members of Donald Trump’s inner circle did not support the alleged scheme. According to Goodman, a Trump campaign draft announcement served as “gold in hands of Arizona (and federal) prosecutors.”

White House Lawyer Allegedly Texted ‘Certifying Illegal Votes’

Goodman posted a message on X/Twitter that essentially targeted White House lawyer Eric Herschmann. Herschmann reportedly sent a text message stating “certifying legal votes.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Goodman noticed that “those on texts refuse to put their names on it.” He added that they would leave it to “Rudy, Boris, Jenna to do that.”

Indictment Referenced Text Messages Sent On December 13, 2020

The indictment referenced a series of text messages sent on December 13, 2020 that discussed the alleged scheme. Those included within the chain of text messages were Herschmann, Justin Clark, Jason Miller, and Tim Murtaugh.

Source: Pixabay/Dean Moriarty

Murtaugh was the campaign communicators director and Justin Clark served as the campaign deputy manager. Jason Miller served as an advisor for Donald Trump.

Murtaugh Reportedly Planned To Release Statement The Following Day

According to the indictment, Murtaugh was prepared to issue a statement the following day. The statement read acknowledged that election contests were still continuing in “various states” at the time.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

He added that “the only prudent course was to have the President’s electors vote in those places to preserve the campaigns [sic] rights.”

Justin Clark Responded: ‘I Don’t Know Who Wants To Put Their Name On It’

Justin Clark reportedly responded in the text chain that he was “not sure what Rudy [Giuliani] is telling the president on this stuff.” As a result, he was “not sure what his expectations are.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Clark further expressed that the plan was “a crazy play” based on “the way this has morphed.” He admitted that he did not “know who wants to put their name on it.”

Murtaugh Wrote He Was ‘Not Comfortable Putting’ Illegal Votes Statement Out

It was at that point of the conversation that Herschmann added the “gold” comment of “certifying illegal votes” to the text chain. Murtaugh responded by saying that he was “not comfortable putting that statement out.”

Source: Pixabay/Luisella Planeta

He added that he could not “stand by it.” Referring the others in the text chain, he also indicated that neither could any of them.

Trump Critic Claims, ‘These Aren’t Very Bright Guys,’ ‘Things Got Out Of Hand’

George Conway, an attorney that has made headlines in the past with his frequent criticisms of Donald Trump, referenced the indictment in his own social media posts. He stated that “the truth dis, these aren’t very bright guys.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Shaleah Craighead

Conway added that “things got out of hand.”

Conway Previously Criticized Rudy Giuliani For His ‘Fall From Grace’ Online

Conway targeted Giuliani on X/Twitter back in December as well regarding his “fall from grace.” He wrote that, “in all seriousness, Rudy Giuliani’s fall from grace has been nothing short of stunning.”

Source: Flickr/Victoria Pickering

He added that not much time had passed since Giuliani was “the highly respected personal lawyer to a president of the United States.” Conway’s post was accompanied by a screenshot of a controversial bedroom scene from the movie Borat 2 that featured Rudy Giuliani lying on the bed.

Giuliani Spokesperson Referenced The ‘Continued Weaponization Of Our Justice System’

Ted Goodman, a spokesperson for Rudy Giuliani, discussed the matter in a recent interview with Newsweek. He referenced the “continued weaponization of our justice system” after the charges were initially filed in Arizona.

Source: Pixabay/Sang Hyun Cho

Goodman also went on record about Rudy Giuliani last August after his Georgia indictment. At the time, Goodman claimed that “millions of Americans” stood by the former NYC mayor.

Goodman Expressed How ‘Unfortunate’ It Is To See ‘So-Called Leaders’ In Action

Goodman also explained that it was “unfortunate” to witness many “so-called ‘leaders'” that are willing to “eviscerate our entire justice system in their quest to take down” former President Trump.

Source: Pixabay/Michelle Koebke

Goodman also indicated that their “quest” is to take down “anyone willing to take on the ruling regime.” According to Goodman, they are viewed as the “biggest threat to their grasp on power.”