An accusation has been levied against the Department of Justice by a former Senate staffer who claims that the FBI carried out an operation to discredit her allegations that President Biden sexually assaulted her during the 1990s.

The woman, Tara Reade, has filed a lawsuit alleging that the FBI coordinated with members of the media in attempts to paint her as an unreliable witness and cast doubt on her claims against the President. The lawsuit details what Ms. Reade believes was an organized effort to protect Mr. Biden’s political ambitions during the 2020 campaign season.

Lawsuit Against The DOJ

Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault during his time in the Senate, has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ). The $10 million tort claim alleges that the FBI conducted an illegal “discredit operation” against her at the behest of the Biden administration.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

According to Reade, the FBI began investigating her in December 2019 after she filed a criminal complaint with the Washington D.C. police accusing Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993. Reade claims that instead of properly investigating her allegations against Biden, the FBI launched an operation to discredit and intimidate her.

The Goal of The DOJ Lawsuit

Reade’s attorney, Jonathan Levy, says the goal of the lawsuit is to expose the truth about the FBI’s alleged unlawful targeting of Reade. The complaint demands the release of records related to any FBI investigation of Reade, including wiretaps, seized computer files, and surveillance information. Levy argues that the FBI violated Reade’s constitutional rights to privacy and protection from unreasonable search and seizure.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Biden administration has denied Reade’s claims, stating that Biden and his staff were unaware of any FBI investigation into Reade’s allegations. However, if evidence emerges to support Reade’s accusations, it could prove damaging to an administration that has championed women’s issues and preventing gender-based violence.

Background of Tara Reade

Tara Reade, born Tara Moulton, worked as a staff assistant for then – U.S. Senator Joe Biden from December 1992 to August 1993. According to Reade, she earned a law degree from Seattle University in 2004 but has not practiced law.

Source: Megyn Kelly

Over the years, Reade has held various positions in county government agencies and non-profit organizations in Washington state and California, focused on domestic violence advocacy and working with families of children with special needs.

Tara Reade, a Lifelong Democrat

Reade has described herself as a lifelong Democrat, though she supported candidates other than Biden during the 2020 Democratic primaries. Reade asserts that the allegations she made against Biden were not politically motivated.

Source: Digg

In 2019, Reade was one of eight women who came forward with allegations that Biden’s physical behavior made them feel uncomfortable, such as unwanted hugs, kisses, and standing too close. Reade has praised Biden on social media for his work on women’s issues, though she said she feels conflicted about him. According to reports, Reade repeatedly spoke positively about working for Biden for many years.

The Beginning of the Accusations

Reade first publicly accused Biden of inappropriate behavior in 2019, then in 2020 alleged that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. Reade filed a police report with the Washington Metropolitan Police Department, claiming Biden pushed her against a wall and penetrated her with his fingers.

Source: Marxist

Biden denied Reade’s allegations, and multiple investigations by media organizations found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden. Reade’s allegations remain controversial, with her credibility and motives disputed. Reade published a memoir titled Left Out: When the Truth Doesn’t Fit In in October 2020.

Civil Rights Complaint and Lack of Response

Reade claims the Biden administration “weaponized” the FBI and DOJ to discredit and intimidate her after she publicly accused Biden of sexual assault. Rather than investigating her allegations, Reade says the government threatened her and invaded her privacy.

Source: Unsplash/Colin Lloyd

According to the lawsuit, FBI Director Christopher Wray ordered a secret FBI operation that violated Reade’s right to privacy and subjected her to unconstitutional search and seizure. Ultimately, Reade says she feared for her life and sought asylum in Russia.

Alleged Operation Cassandra

According to the lawsuit, the FBI investigated Tara Reade as part of “Operation Cassandra” from 2019 to 2023. The suit asserts that the clandestine operation targeted Reade in retaliation for her accusations against President Biden and to intimidate her.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The complaint alleges FBI Director Christopher Wray unlawfully ordered the secret operation, violating Reade’s right to privacy and subjecting her to unconstitutional search and seizure. Operation Cassandra allegedly spanned Reade’s time living in California, Oregon, and Washington, forcing her to flee to Russia in fear for her safety.

Lawsuit Details and Demands

According to the lawsuit, Reade is seeking $10 million in damages from the Department of Justice for alleged constitutional rights violations stemming from an FBI “discredit operation” against her. The complaint claims the FBI investigated Reade to “retaliate, intimidate, discredit and, if possible, eliminate her as a threat to President Biden.”

Source: Unsplash/Tingey Injury Law Firm

The lawsuit asserts that FBI Director Christopher Wray “unlawfully and unconstitutionally ordered” the secret operation that violated privacy laws and the Fourth Amendment. Reade alleges this campaign of intimidation ultimately “forced” her to seek asylum in Russia “in fear of her life.”

Legal Process and Potential Challenges

The legal process initiated by Reade and her attorney, Jonathan Levy, consists of filing a lawsuit against the DOJ, seeking $10 million in damages, and demanding records related to Reade from various government agencies and private companies.

Source: Tara Reade

According to standard procedure, the DOJ has six months to respond to the lawsuit. During this time, Levy will continue to request access to records pertaining to Reade, including any electronic surveillance or seized digital artifacts that may have violated her First Amendment rights. If cooperation is not forthcoming, Levy may have to file Freedom of Information Act requests to legally compel the release of records.

Justice for All – International Commission

Tara Reade and Jonathan Levy recently initiated the international commission Justice for All. The purpose of the commission is to advocate for whistleblower rights and support individuals in similar situations to Reade’s.

Source: Unsplash/Tingey Injury Law Firm

Reade claims that after she accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault, the FBI conducted an unlawful operation against her known as Operation Cassandra. According to Reade and her attorney, the operation violated her constitutional rights, forcing her to flee the country and seek asylum in Russia.