Still on the issue of President Joe Biden’s impeachment. And it seems like all attempts to impeach the president are proving abortive. To move the case forward, the committee has reached out to a key witness to testify at the president’s impeachment inquiry hearing.

Just when they thought they had made progress, the GOP’s key witness Devin Archer has decided that he will no longer be testifying at Joe Biden’s Impeachment Inquiry Hearing.

The House Authorized The Impeachment Inquiry Into Joe Biden

In December 2023, just as expected of the Republicans in the house, they went gun blazing and decided to authorize the impeachment inquiry of the United States president. And they have since then been working on finding evidence of misconduct against the president.

Source: Voice Of America

Biden believes that the Republicans have lost their priorities, and instead of engaging in activities that will make America great again, they are hellbent on pursuing an impeachment inquiry against him and his family members.

The Committee Has Not Made Any Progress

Something is frustrating about Biden’s impeachment inquiry, and it’s the fact that the committee after a long year of impeachment process has not been able to find any case against the president, not even a misdemeanor.

Source: Facebook/President Joe Biden

And it is trite law that to be able to impeach Biden, the committee needs to show that he has at any point committed treason, bribery, or any other type of high-profile crimes, and a misdemeanor.

The Republicans Need All The Testimonies They Can Get

Now, to get the case to move at a faster speed they need all the testimony they can get. The committee has reached out to a couple of influential people, and while some of them have testified others have refused to.

Source: X/GuardianUS

The committee has earlier reached out to Hunter Biden and his close associates but they are now calling for more testimony from all those who have done business with the president’s son.

Devin Archer As A Key Witness

Speaking of, Hunter Biden’s past and present business associates. The committee believes that Hunter Biden is the linchpin of their impeachment case against his father and they have now reached out to Devin Archer to testify at the inquiry.

Source: X/CBS_Herridge

Devin, a key witness in the GOP impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, has denied an invitation to appear at a public hearing scheduled for Wednesday before several Republican-led house panels.

Devins Attorney Says There Wasn’t Enough Time To Prepare

Devin’s attorney wrote in a letter addressing the House Oversight Counsel, where he explained that the time given for his client to prepare wasn’t sufficient.

Source: Chip Somodevilla

Devin’s attorney Matthew Schwartz said that for anyone to prepare for such a high-profile public hearing, one would need a substantial amount of time. I mean we’re talking about a public hearing before the House Oversight and the Judicial Committee.

An Unreasonable Request

Devin’s attorney also expressed how unreasonable it was to request that someone tagged as an important witness be in a public hearing titled “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse Of Public Office) and expect that such witness testimony would be prepared in one business day.

Source: Linkedin

He also added that telling an active businessman who is always catching flights, to prepare to give public testimony in less than three working days is wild.

The Invitation Was Sent Out In The Beginning Of March

While the spokesperson for the House Oversight Committee was speaking to the news outlet,  they confirmed that the panel had sent the invitation to Mr. Devin at the beginning of March and that his counsel acknowledged receipt.

Source: X/nypost

After confirming the receipt of the invitation, they believed that Devin’s counsel replied to them saying, it was unfortunate but Devin Archer would not be testifying.

Devin’s Lawyer Denies Getting Any Letter

Schwartz wrote in his letter, letting the House Oversight Committee know that he never got the letter, and the letter was sent to someone else even after establishing that he was the only lawyer representing Devin in all of the committee’s dealings.

Source: X/The Associated Press

He however added that Mr Devin Archer is more than ready to cooperate with all the investigations provided it is legitimate, just as he had previously done in past investigations.

Devin Previously Appeared For A Closed Door Interview

Devin was once called upon during a closed-door transcribed interview with Committee investigators where he was asked to help prove that the president was somehow involved in the dealings of his son Hunter.

Source: YouTube

During this interview, Mr Archer testified that he was not in any way aware of the president’s wrongdoing, including the allegations that he changed the U.S. foreign policy just to help his son Hunter Biden.

The Committee Also Invited Tony Bobulinski And Jason Galanis

The impeachment inquiry committee needs all the evidence they can get, and to get it, they have extended their invitation to Hunter Biden’s other business partners.

Source: X/ABC7NY

Bobolinski agreed to appear in person, while Jason Galanis appeared virtually from the federal prison where he was serving a 14-year sentence for a fraud conviction.

They Both Claimed That Hunter Used His Father’s Name

In a separate closed-door interview between Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis, they both testified that Hunter Biden has in some cases used his father’s name to help his business prospects. Unfortunately, they had no direct evidence to back their claim up which brings the committee back to square one.

Source: Jose Luis Magana

From time immemorial, the committee has put a target on Hunter Biden’s back, to find a way to link him to his father but all has proven abortive.

A Critical Blow To The Committee’s Probe

The committee was dismayed last month when one of their biggest and most prominent figures who helped spark the impeachment inquiry got indicted for giving false testimony.

Source: L.E. Baskow

FBI informant Alexander Smirnov was recently indicted and accused of lying in his testimony to the FBI about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. This means a lot for the committee and might eventually turn the tables around for Joe Biden.

A Baseless Political Charade!

Hunter, during his closed-door deposition that took place last month, repeatedly denied all the allegations about his father having any involvement in his business dealings.

Source: Manuel Balce Ceneta

He let the committee know that all they have been doing is nothing but a baseless and destructive political charade with no backing of actual evidence, it’s all just a bunch of MAGA-motivated conspiracies and maybe they just need to accept the fact that they have nothing on his father.