The FBI reportedly tracked the location of the phone used by Donald Trump’s personal assistant. New documents now show proof that his assistant hid boxes of presidential documents before Trump’s Florida estate was raised by federal agents.
Trump Faces 40 Federal Charges Over Sensitive Material Handling
Former President Trump is currently facing 40 federal charges regarding the handling of sensitive materials. The materials were retrieved from Trump’s Palm Beach estate, Mar-a-Lago, after he left the White House in January 2021.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all related charges. He is also accused of obstructing the efforts made by federal authorities to return the sensitive materials removed.
Trump’s Former Assistant, Maintenance Worker Accused Of Moving Boxes
Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira, Trump’s former personal assistant and maintenance worker respectively, were accused of relocating the boxes of sensitive materials. The relocation was allegedly done to prevent federal agents from being able to retrieve them.

Further reports show that they were also accused of deleting evidence. The evidence in question was security footage allegedly deleted even though it was listed for collection on a subpoena.
Prosecutors Asked For Redaction Of Several Key Documents
Prosecutors submitted a request to Judge Aileen Cannon on Thursday for the redaction of multiple documents. This reportedly shined a light on the approximate scale of the Nauta investigation.

The filing clearly shows that search warrants were obtained by agents in Washington, D.C. The warrants specifically targeted the “Google location data'” and “Verizon cell site data” of Walt Nauta.
Nauta’s Cell-Site Data Showed Accessed Phone Towers To Track Location
One of the biggest highlights of the cell-site data was the reference to phone towers that were accessed specifically by Nauta’s phone. The data showed the trail of towers to which Nauta’s cell phone was near.

Prosecutors specifically focused on analyzing data from the days of which Nauta was specifically accused of concealing documents taken from Mar-a-Lago. The Google location data also showed his location at the date and time of the alleged crime.
Prosecutors Want To Redact Unexecuted Search Warrant Related To Nauta
Prosecutors assigned to the case apparently want to redact additional documents as well. For instance, they specifically want to redact a search warrant that was never executed for Nauta’s phone and residence.

There was no explanation offered for why prosecutors were interested in the unexecuted warrant. However, the filing makes it clear that they also want search warrants for Nauta’s Apple Cloud, Microsoft email, and car redacted as well.
FBI Interviews, Grand Jury Testimony Also Requested By Prosecutors
The filing submitted by prosecutors showed that they wanted other documents redacted as well. For instance, Nauta’s FBI interviews were a point of interest for the investigation.

In addition, the filing focused on the grand jury testimony related to Nauta’s case as well. It seems as if all the documents, devices, and data related to Walt Nauta were requested within the filings.
The Purpose Of Requested Redaction Of Related Documents
It may be unclear to many why the prosecutors were interested in redacting so many different documents and records related to the case. However, the purpose of the redaction reportedly has more to do with the FBI agents themselves than Walt Nauta or even Donald Trump for that matter.

The prosecutors made their reasoning for the redactions clear within the wording of the filing. They reportedly needed to make sure that the identities of the FBI agents involved were removed via redaction to prevent retaliation or threats targeting those individuals.
Chief Prosecutor Warned That Witnesses Have Been Threatened
The chief prosecutor of the case reportedly warned that witnesses related to the classified documents case of Donald Trump were threatened. Jack Smith made it clear to the court that he wants the details and names of witnesses removed from all court documents.

The reason for this request was because he did not want to a repeat of new threats being made by various Trump supporters in any cases related to the former U.S. president.
Smith Previously Informed Judge Of His Opposed Public Release Of Names, Job Titles
According to multiple reports, Jack Smith had already told Judge Cannon about his opposition of the names and job titles of witnesses being released to the public. He noted that his fear and concern was that those individuals would become targeted in hate campaigns conducted by Trump supporters.

Smith followed up that notification late on Thursday with his filing, which confirmed that witnesses had received threats related to the classified documents investigation involving Donald Trump.
More Details About The ‘Minimal’ Redaction Of Identifying Documentation
Smith noted within the filing that prosecutors wanted the “minimal” redaction of approximately 13 pages of related documents. These specific pages identified the witnesses related to the case.

The same pages also reportedly included the identities of the specific FBI agents that executed search warrants on Donald Trump, Nauta, and De Oliveira. According to Smith’s briefing, the redactions were “truly minimal” and only represented “13 pages out of 268 pages of briefing.”
Smith Claimed That Met More Than The ‘Good Cause Standard‘
Smith stated within his briefing that the government clearly demonstrated that more was involved than just the “good cause standard.” Smith indicated that the “limited sealing or redaction proposed” also met “the higher standard of being ‘necessitated by a compelling governmental interest.’

Smith further stated that it was “narrowly tailored to serve that interest.” He added that there were relatively few criminal prosecutions where the government produced such a high amount of disclosure material.
Smith Asked Court To Receive ‘Unredacted Version’ Of Documents Via Email
Smith’s office reportedly told Judge Cannon on March 5 that it requested to “email unredacted versions” of the related documents “as well as red-box versions” that showed proposed redactions.

The emails would have been sent to defense counsel and the Court no later than March 7, according to the request.
Analyzing The Purpose Of ‘Red Box’ Coding Phrasing
“Red box” within the political world is a coded phrasing used in U.S. political parties. The coded language reportedly helps political parties to circumvent any campaign finance laws. Using recognized codes, Republicans and Democrats alike can get Political Action Committees (PACs) to spend funds on their political campaigns.

According to Newsweek, this coded language keeps the conversations off the radar without prevents them from illegally contributing money directly to the parties.
Smith Wants To Use Coded Language To Conceal Identities OF FBI Agents, Witnesses
Smith reportedly wants to use code language within court filings that are available to the public. This coded language would keep the identities of FBI agents and related witnesses concealed.

It is believed that the court filing processed by Smith in February alluded to the threats made in other cases involving Donald Trump.