The job market is oversaturated, and GenZs seem to be the worst workers in the lot. There have been a lot of column inches complaining about how bad they are as workers, but are they really that bad? Or has the paradigm shifted, and the working world has not caught up with it as yet? Let’s examine the situation.

Who Are GenZ’s Anyway?

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Generations can be challenging to define because of the overlap, but generally, GenZs fall into a solid category. Also known as “zoomers,” the GenZ cohort follows Millennials born between the 80s and the 00s. They’re the first social generation to grow up with internet access as a core part of their experience.

The oldest members of GenZ are just entering the workforce, and already, there are complaints about everything from their attitude toward work to their interaction with management. Tons of people have stated that they just don’t obey authority. Indeed, this can’t apply to all of them, right?

More of a Problem With the Market

Source: Flickr/Innov8social

Over the last few years, the job market has seen a massive shift away from typical employment. COVID forced many businesses to close or restructure, and many people left traditional desk jobs to freelance or work remotely.

Businesses, too, have adapted to the changing world. Many companies have instituted work-from-anywhere guidelines, allowing workers the freedom to live and work anywhere in the world. They’ve also changed their expectations for entry-level jobs, leading to backlash from GenZ.

Starting On The Back Foot

Source: Flickr/Tom Carmony

Entry-level jobs are now trying to get people with some experience so the business doesn’t have to expend training resources on new personnel. The expectations for these roles usually include experience levels far ahead of anything GenZ can have, given their age.

Naturally, the response from GenZ is, “How can I get experience if I can’t find a job?” which is a fair question to ask. But since many of them need to work to meet their financial obligations, they find themselves in a place where no one should be at the start of their working life.

The Struggles of Gen Z Living

Source: Flickr/Chloe Capture

Most GenZ employees end up in temporary jobs with little to no chance of upward mobility. They have things hitting them left and right to bruise their ego and attack their mental health. Many of these young people have tuition debt to pay back, even when they won’t get a job with their degree.

All in all, this leads to a generation betrayed, who feel like everything is stacked against them. Many managers of older generations state that they find GenZ the most difficult to work with because they just don’t understand them. But the truth is that GenZ didn’t ask for this.

A Different Mindset And View of Corporate Life

Source: Flickr/Jesse Michael Nix

The big difference between managers (who may be Millennials or older) and the GenZ employees they deal with is that they don’t get how these younger people’s mindsets have changed. There’s no “dedication to the job” because jobs are temporary in their worldview.

Part of this stems from how quickly managers fire GenZ workers, whom they deem expendable. No matter how “dedicated” a GenZ worker is, their job will usually be the first one cut as the business streamlines and downsizes. It’s the curse of being young in an old working world.

Not A Communication Problem

Source: Flickr/Stephen McCulloch

Many gurus quickly point out that many of GenZ’s interaction problems could come from their isolation because of COVID-19. However, that’s not the entire issue. GenZ’s approach to communication is predicated on internet interaction, something alien to many of the managers they deal with.

The result is humor that goes over many managers’ heads and a misunderstanding of what is “acceptable” in a workplace and what isn’t. The social mores of GenZ are different because their social interaction and spheres of communication are different. Barely anyone speaks “in person” anymore, and the communication media are vastly different.

More Entrepreneurs and Freelancers

Source: Flickr/home thods

Traditional businesses that complain about GenZ employees also struggle to find new employees. This pattern stems from these companies’ inability to realize that the world has changed significantly since their management came into effect. Management is still unaware of these changes, it seems.

Today, the world is no longer peopled by professionals in a dog-eat-dog corporate world striving to climb the ladder. Most jobs are outsourced, with freelancers and individual entrepreneurs benefitting from the freer work atmosphere. Work-life balance is at an all-time high for these freelancers and entrepreneurs.

How Gen Zs Can Adapt

Source: Flickr/Mario A. P.

Just like all things, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Those who want to experience corporate life need to work on their communication skills. They need to connect to the previous generation on their ground and learn their established rules.

Most companies who are hiring these days look at skills more than qualifications, especially for technical work. A well-defined portfolio of work will help GenZ stand out for these specialized roles. However, putting these portfolios together will take time and effort on behalf of the worker.

LinkedIn Is a Gateway

Source: Flickr/Terry Goodyer

As much as GenZ dislikes LinkedIn, it’s a necessary evil to get hired in the corporate world. Having suitable samples and connections while interacting with companies and individuals regularly builds an impressive profile and helps to sell the potential employee’s personality.

Building up interaction and a portfolio of projects to show off is a great way to get traction and notice from the companies on LinkedIn. Headhunters and recruiters are always on the lookout for new potential hires. It’s all about what they see.

Alternative Professions Are Also An Option

Source: Flickr/Steven Zwerink

As GenZ realizes that the corporate world doesn’t think or act like them, many switch gears and look at alternative professions. With the job market leaning heavily on freelancers and entrepreneurs, there’s always something that a GenZ can do to earn an income that someone is willing to pay for.

The issue is that businesses will eventually need these workers. The hostility of the modern workplace ensures that when managers retire and the workers are promoted up the ladder into new management, they won’t have any employees to manage. And then, they’ll have to turn to GenZ to fill the ranks.