The past few years have seen Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene championed as a GOP star with a bright future in politics. But that support is dwindling, and her own party is starting to turn on her – including attacks from GOP leaders, right-wing media members, and outlets that have long supported the Republican Party.

Going From ‘MAGA Hero To Zero’ Real Quick

On April 27, MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin described how MTG had gone from ‘MAGA hero to zero’ in ‘just a short time span’ – adding that it wasn’t her ‘bigotry, or extremism and wild conspiracy theories’ that caused her to flame out.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“It’s only when she turned on her own party and threatened their agenda that they decided to put their foot down and actually stand up to her,” he said – adding that they ‘made their deal with the devil in coddling her’ and are now having to ‘live with it.’ Let’s take a look at her sudden rise and even quicker downfall in the Republican party.

MTG Wins 2020 Election In Georgia

In 2019, Marjorie Taylor Greene – a noted conspiracy theorist with no prior experience in politics – started making a name for herself as the favorite to replace Tom Graves in Georgia’s 14th district. She beat Democrat Kevin Van Ausdal with 74.7% of the vote.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Her campaign slogan was ‘Save America, Stop Socialism!’ and she made headline after headline – including posting a video on Facebook of her holding an AR-15 style rifle, warning Antifa groups to ‘stay the hell out of Northwest Georgia.’

Quickly Rises Up The MAGA Ranks

It didn’t take long for her to rise up the MAGA ranks. While she wasn’t endorsed by Donald Trump from the start, he recognized her on numerous occasions and shared excitement about her future as a GOP member.

Source: Flickr/Joe Schilp

“Congratulations to future Republican Star Marjorie Taylor Greene on a big Congressional primary win in Georgia against a very tough and smart opponent,” Trump said after her 2020 win. “Marjorie is strong on everything and never gives up — a real WINNER!”

Forms Strong Alliance With Kevin McCarthy

Once in the House, MTG formed a strong alliance with Kevin McCarthy – who represented California’s 20th congressional district. He has always supported her and she owes a lot of her committee appointments to him.

Source: Wikimedia/Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

“If you’re going to be in a fight, you want Marjorie in your foxhole. When she picks a fight, she’s going to fight until the fight’s over,” McCarthy said of her last year – adding that he ‘will never leave that woman’ and will ‘always take care of her.’ 

Isolation and Desperation After McCarthy’s Ousting

According to MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin, MTG’s ongoing downfall began when Kevin McCarthy’s time as Speaker of the House came to an end. That day came on October 3, 2023, when he was ousted as Speaker in a first-of-its-kind House vote.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“She has become, what I would say, a little more isolated – desperate for relevancy,” Ayman said during Saturday’s broadcast. Unfortunately, that isolation and desperation are landing her in hot water within her own party – and she has no one to blame but herself.

Calls For Speaker Johnson To Resign – Or Else

After the House passed a new foreign aid package that included Ukraine relief, MTG took aim at current Speaker Mike Johnson. She originally filed a motion for him to be ousted in March, but she intensified that approach again just a week ago.

Source: Wikimedia/Office of Speaker Mike Johnson

“Mike Johnson’s leadership is over. He needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process,” MTG said in an interview on Fox News on April 20. “If he doesn’t do so, he will be vacated.”

Democrats Could Ruin MTG’s Plans

Even if MTG follows through on her promise to oust Mike Johnson, it’s unclear if she would have enough support to do so – especially since the Republicans only have a slim advantage in the House. Even with a lot of Republican support, the Democrats are ready to help Johnson.

Source: YinYang from Getty Images Signature via Canva

In fact, one House Democrat has gone on record to say there’s ‘no way’ his colleagues help MTG oust Speaker Johnson. Even House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has said the Democratic party would likely join together to save the speaker.

Is Republican Tolerance Running Low?

Even those in MTG’s own party are growing sick and tired of her antics. For example, Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-NY) said she ‘needs to stop it’ – arguing that ‘the theatrics, the drama, the crisis-creating doesn’t help my constituents.’

Source: adamkaz from Getty Images Signature via Canva

MTG’s sudden downfall in the Republican community isn’t going unnoticed. “There’s always been a certain level of tolerance for MTG among her congressional colleagues,” Ayman said. “But now, they are making it known that they are getting sick of her antics.”

Fox News Contributor Calls MTG An ‘Idiot’

Earlier this month, Fox News contributor Liz Peek wrote an opinion piece that called out MTG for her ‘wild antics and equally harebrained conspiracy theories.’ Peek went on to call the GOP congresswoman an ‘idiot’ who is ‘trying to wreck the GOP.’

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

“The greater good, unless she and her fellow discontents in Congress have forgotten, is defeating Joe Biden in November,” Peek wrote. “My message for MTG? Borrowing from Hillary Clinton: Get over yourself. The mission today is to elect Donald Trump.”

GOP Senator Calls Her A ‘Total Waste Of Time’

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) echoed those sentiments a few days later – describing MTG as a threat to the Republican Party and blaming her for ‘dragging our brand down.’ He went on to call her ‘uninformed’ and a ‘total waste of time.’

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“She is a horrible leader. She is dragging our brand down. She — not the Democrats — are the biggest risk to us getting back to a majority,” he said. Again, her opposition to Speaker Johnson is causing GOP members to question her loyalty.

New York Post Dubs Her ‘Moscow Marjorie’

Ever since MTG publicly announced her opposition to the foreign aid package, which includes Ukraine relief and was recently passed in the House, many news outlets – including the New York Post – have criticized her for being pro-Putin and pro-Russia.

Source: pudiq from Getty Images via Canva

The Post featured her on the cover of their Sunday (April 21) newspaper. The headline read, “NYET, MOSCOW MARJORIE,” and there was a big picture of her wearing a Russian-style hat.

Wall Street Journal Calls Her ‘Mayhem Taylor Greene’

The Wall Street Journal was ahead of the curve – publishing an opinion piece to their editorial board in March that dubbed the congresswoman ‘Mayhem Taylor Greene’ and compared her to climate change protesters.

Source: Flickr/CAIVP

“Politics isn’t the art of the impossible, but Ms. Greene and her crew of vandals prefer to scream and throw soup at the walls, like those climate-change protesters who think their ludicrous gestures are accomplishing something,” the hit-piece read.

It’s Only A Matter Of Time For MTG

Marjorie Taylor Greene has been walking on thin ice ever since she filed a motion to oust the Speaker of the House – but her wild antics date back several years. Let’s not forget – the people turning against MTG are the same people who made her into who she is today.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

At this point, it’s only a matter of time before MTG sees her political career come to a screeching halt. With Representatives facing re-election every two years, she could be voted out as soon as this year – though it seems unlikely. Either way, her time is running short.