Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) aimed a sly dig at former President Trump during a House floor speech on Tuesday. He rejected the idea that any president could single-handedly shut down the southern border.

Trump’s remarks in a social media post on Tuesday followed House Republicans blocking a bipartisan Senate border security bill. They argued that President Biden should use executive orders to stop all migrants from entering the U.S. instead.

Chip Roy Fact-Checks Trump On Border

Chip Roy, known for his blunt comments in the House of reps, served up a fact-check to former president, Donald Trump concerning the southern border with Mexico and the flow of migrants.

Source: Wikimedia/Michael Vadon

After the bipartisan border bill negotiations in the Senate seemed to fall apart, Mr. Roy, representing the 21st District of Texas between San Antonio and Austin, spoke out against those who say no new laws are needed.

Biden Urged To Take More Action On Border Crisis

Critics of the bill argue that the president already has the authority to address border issues, including ordering its closure – an action they say Joe Biden is avoiding.

Source: Wikimedia/Office of the President of the United States

One of the bill’s most vocal critics is Mr. Trump. He’s supposedly played a big role in its failure by persuading loyalist lawmakers to vote against it, despite Republican requests.

Roy Rebukes Trump: Border Security Reality Check

Speaking in the lower chamber of Congress on Tuesday, Rep Roy specifically name-checked the former president.”No, we’re not just going to pass the buck and say that, ‘Oh, any president can walk in and secure the border,'” Roy said, referring to Trump’s post.

Source: X/The Hill

“All a president has to do is declare the border’s closed, and it’s closed. Well, with all due respect, that didn’t happen in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. There were millions of people that came into the United States during those four years.”

Roy Gives Props To Trump For Border Efforts

However, Roy did spare some praise for the Trump administration for its efforts to secure the border. This is despite the fact that they did not implement the complete shutdown that Trump suggested on Tuesday.

Source: X/Kacee Allen

“But what did happen was that that administration, led by the president, led by people who believe in America, led by strong leaders at [the Department of Homeland Security], they worked to secure the border, they worked to get those numbers down,” he said. “They worked to force Mexico to hold people in place with the migrant protection protocols.”

Roy Spots Loopholes In Border Deal

Roy is not in support of the bipartisan bill. Instead, he’d prefer more extreme measures. He voiced opposition to the deal on Monday, saying the package authors “don’t know what they’re talking about.”

Source: X/Kacee Allen

He berated the measure for allowing 5,000 average daily migrant encounters at the border before the border gets shut down. “If you set a standard of about 5,000, the cartels will go ah, I get it. 4,999? You got it,” Roy said, in a horrifically racist take.

Trump Calls for Challengers, Labels Roy a RINO

It would not be the first time Roy and Trump would go head to head. His support of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his stubbornness has irked many of his peers including Trump.

Source: Wikimedia/U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv

Trump sought to find primary challengers against Roy. He posted this on social media. “Has any smart and energetic Republican in the Great State of Texas decided to run in the Primary against RINO Congressman Chip Roy? For the right person, he is very beatable. If interested, let me know!!!”

Republicans Oppose Border Deal, Favour Defense Funds For Allies

Conservative Republicans strongly opposed a deal that would limit immigration and add more security at the border. They would rather direct the funds to defense to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.

Source: Manuel Balce

The deal was negotiated by Senator Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona, Senator James Lankford from Oklahoma, and Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut. It was announced on Sunday evening. The new law would make it necessary for the Department of Homeland Security to close the US-Mexico border if 5,000 migrants cross it every day for a week.

Biden Slams GOP And Trump On Immigration

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden criticized Republicans in Congress and the former president directly, accusing them of obstructing the bipartisan compromise bill. He slammed both groups for their role in blocking the carefully crafted bill.

Source: Flickr/Justin Watt

Mr. Biden made the following remarks from the State Dining Room at the White House. He described the bill as a “bipartisan agreement that represents the most fair, humane reforms in our immigration system in a long time. And also the toughest set of reforms to secure the border ever”.

Biden: Trump’s Hidden Agenda Stalled Bill

He also admitted that right now, it seems unlikely the bill will move forward in the House or Senate. He also made clear the ‘simple reason’ why Republicans are stopping the bill.

Source: Wikimedia/Kevin McCarthy

“Why? A simple reason, Donald Trump,” he said. “Because Donald Trump thinks it’s bad for him politically, therefore … even though it helps the country he’s not for it – he’d rather weaponize this issue.”

Trump’s Controversial Border And Security Plans

Trump’s 2024 campaign is focused on immigration. He has promised to halt the influx at the southern border by ending birthright citizenship and sending troops there. He also plans to cut federal funding for housing and transporting undocumented migrants.

Source: Wikimedia/Amyyfory

Trump’s plans could stir up trouble with Mexico. He suggests using the Coast Guard and Navy to block drug smuggling boats between the U.S. and Latin America. Additionally, he proposes labeling drug cartels as “unlawful enemy combatants,” which could lead to U.S. military action in Mexico.

Trump’s Immigration Agenda: ‘Remain In Mexico’ And Title 42

Trump plans to bring back the “Remain in Mexico” policy and reinstate previous asylum restrictions. Additionally, he may use ‘Title 42’ to remove migrants due to public health concerns.

Source: Flickr/Suzanne Schmid

Title 42 was part of the US response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was a public health order originally enacted under the Trump administration, which allowed U.S. authorities to expel migrants quickly back to Mexico or, in rare cases, to their countries of origin.