Former president Donald Trump has been in and out of court and must now pay $350 million. This fine comes from his fraud trial, as Judge Engoron found him guilty of using false information to take loans. But did that affect Trump? Nope! Instead, he launched a new line of sneakers.

That’s right! Trump is still allowed to do business after being found guilty of fraud, so he launched his new pair of sneakers at “Sneaker Con.” As expected, people didn’t enjoy the idea. So, he was met with boos amongst the cheer.

Trump Launches His Line Of Sneakers

It’s surprising to hear that one of America’s former presidents has launched his own sneaker brand. This news is typically from celebrities like Kanye West, Michael Jordan, and Lil Nas.

Source: Drimble X/SultanSantis

But, the rumors are true. Former President Donald Trump arrived at “Sneaker Con” and unveiled a pair of his latest creations. These golden boots were Trump-branded and had the American flack at the back, showing his love for his country.

What Are They Called?

The Trump sneakers reflect the former president’s political view towards America. How? Because a golden body plus the American flag represents the nation’s power and wealth. So, what are these called?

Source: X/itsavibe

Trump named his new line of golden shoes “Never Surrender High-Tops.” Some find the name patriotic, while others think it could be better. Nevertheless, they sell for $399 on his website alongside other Trump-branded items.

The Grand Reveal Was Met With ‘Boos’

Trump climbed on stage, ready to deliver his new trendy creation. He spoke about how the youth’s vote counts towards turning the country around. So, he wants to reach out to the younger audience for support through Sneaker Con.

Source: X/Forbes

Unfortunately for the optimistic politician, his campaign was met with boos. People disapproved of his sneakers just a few seconds into his speech. But why were they irritated? Was it because of Trump or the sneakers?

‘This Is Not A Political Event’

Different people gave their opinions on the situation in interviews. They claimed that Trump’s sneakers don’t belong in Sneaker Con. Why? The convention is meant to share sneakers and reveal the latest in footwear fashion.

Source: Manuel Balce Ceneta

On the other hand, Trump’s sneakers are mainly about politics and less about fashion. So it makes sense why the crowd booed. There’s also the issue of Trump’s controversial opinions and criminal history, as many felt it “tainted” the atmosphere.

Others Loved The Sneakers 

Although some people booed Trump and his new sneakers, others seemed to cheer him on. During most of his speech and at the end, people applauded the former president as he walked off stage. Why?

Source: X

An interview with one of the convention goers revealed a possible reason for the applause. According to the interviewee: “I love it. I love how he’s trying to get in touch with the youths. He’s trying to get some young voters. I support him”.

Trump Isn’t Suppose To Do Business

Judge Arthur Engoron recently ended Trump’s Fraud trial, and the verdict bars Trump from doing business for three years. Yet, Trump can be seen promoting his new golden shoes at Sneaker Con. How is this possible?

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The ruling prohibits Trump from “serving as an officer or director of any corporation for three years.” Also, the verdict prevented Trump from doing business in New York, and the convention took place in Philadelphia. So Trump Isn’t breaching his penalty.

What’s The Point Of Selling These Sneakers?

Different comment sections online try to answer why Trump has begun selling sneakers. Some speculate he’s trying to raise money to cover a $350 million fine. Others think it’s another one of Trump’s experimental businesses.

Source: X/doitbigchicago

The trust is simple. Trump created these sneakers as part of his campaign for president. He plans to run again in the coming election and wants to gather as much support as possible. But the sneakers website denies this. Denies Involvement In Trump’s Campaign

Trump’s speech hinted that his presence at Sneaker Con is mainly to market his run for president. Even people who were interviewed understood the message. However, the shoe’s website denies involvement with Trump’s marketing campaign.

Source: Get Trump Sneakers

According to the website: “ is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign.” Many argue this is another false information that could attract a lawsuit. However, the website also claims the shoes are not designed by Donald Trump or any of his organization. So, a lawsuit may be tricky to file.

The Shoes Sold Out Under 24 Hours

Trump got a lot of boos, and people commented that the shoes looked “tacky” and “mediocre.” Surprisingly, they sold out in less than a day. However, they quickly argued that the success wasn’t from the shoe’s design but merely from Trump fans.

Source: TheInsiderPaper

Now, interested buyers have to pre-order the “Never Surrender High-Tops” and go on a waiting list. It’s also worth noting that resellers are another reason these shoes are sold out. These people buy the shoes on time and then sell them for more online.

The Trump Shoes Resell At Over $4000

People who bought the Trump sneakers when they launched are now reselling them. The rarity and story behind them have made each sneaker worth $4000, which is ten times the initial value.

Source: X/DezKnows215

The former president signed some of these sneakers, making them resellable for up to $10,000. This success is unexpected as many thought the shoes would fail due to Trump’s controversial career and political issues.

The ‘Never Surrender High-Tops’ Are Historical

Never in America’s history has a president released their line of sneakers. Even President Obama didn’t make one, and he was seen as an international celebrity. What’s interesting is that despite the boos, the shoes sold out.

Source: X/The Daily Edge /Bloomberg

The “Never Surrender High-Tops” was a marketing device to boost Trump’s chances of winning the upcoming election. So far, it may be successful as they have been a viral sensation since they launched.