Retirement might mean relaxing and enjoying life after your working years, but many people just can’t stop doing things. For the ones who want to remain active well into their retirement life, finding a job scratches the itch. Let’s explore some of the less stressful jobs out there.


Source: Flickr/Wally Gobetz

Did you know that there are a ton of people who will pay you to stay at their houses? And some of these houses are in far-flung, exotic locations. House-sitting is an intriguing and stress-free job that entails caring for a home and maybe a few pets.

House-sitting jobs are not so easy to come by, however. People tend to be very picky in choosing someone to house-sit for them, but if you’re the kind of person who likes taking care of a home, you might have an opportunity waiting for you.

Library Assistant

Source: Flickr/ Governor Tom Wolf

Many small towns and villages have local libraries that need people to assist. Library assistants help people looking for books find them, offer them suggestions, and shelve books that are brought back in. Sometimes, they even staff the main desk.

If you’re a reader or love being surrounded by stacks of old books, this might be just the job for you to enjoy yourself. Just remember not to get lost in a book too much so you don’t do what you’re being paid for. It’s easy to get sidetracked with so many unread books around you.

Artist or Craftsperson

Source: Flickr/ Visual Arts Center

Art and crafts aren’t just something kids do. Many people learn artistic skills later in life and spin those skills into something worthwhile. Some artists never produce their first piece of epic art until they are much older, meaning there’s still a chance after retirement.

Art is a way of expressing yourself, and there are many forms of media to do so. While most people consider art an easel and paints, it could be something like wood carving or photography. Making something of your own and expressing your inner thoughts could make for a sound retirement job.

Community Volunteer Coordinator

Source: Flickr/ NVIDIA Corporation

The people who know a community the best are the ones who have lived there all their lives. Who better to volunteer as a coordinator to connect people in the community with opportunities for improvement? A community volunteer coordinator is just the job.

You would need to be organized for this role since a lot of information might come to you. It’ll keep your brain sharp as you age as well since you’ll be constantly linking opportunities with people who can accomplish tasks. It’s not a job for someone who wants to relax, but it’s fulfilling.

Nanny or Babysitter

Source: Flickr/Sarah Gilbert

In the old days, hiring a babysitter or nanny was about finding out which of your friends had older kids who’d do it for a few bucks. Today, it’s impossible to get responsible kids, but a responsible older adult who has been through bringing up kids is a perfect substitution.

Nannies are likely to need a bit more energy than babysitters, sadly. Little kids can run around a lot and require you to play with them, while babysitters just have to make sure the baby is fed and changed. Either one is an excellent option for a retiree.

Personal Trainer

Source: Flickr/Christian Frank

If you were all about fitness and health as you were growing up, becoming a personal trainer might be just the thing to occupy you in retirement. Spending time in athletics, as a runner, swimmer, or even an avid gym-goer gives you insight and information.

You can spin that off into being a personal trainer and sharing your insights with other people. You may need to learn more about nutrition and workout plans, but that information will keep your brain in good shape as you get older.

Travel Agent

Source: Flickr/Adam Lederer

This is a job you could even do from the comfort of your home. Many online travel agencies hire customer representatives to talk to or email call-ins, confirm reservations, or handle complaints. Once you have a computer and an internet connection, you’re all set.

Travel agents also earn fees and commissions on people they book, so if you have an avid community of travelers you hang out with, this might be the perfect opportunity. Recommending destinations and planning itineraries for travel are also parts of this job you’d enjoy.


Source: Flickr/World Bank Photo Collection

If you’ve spent a lot of time as a professional in your working life, becoming a consultant is an option you could explore. Consultants are trained in a field and can spot issues before they become a problem. They’re valuable additions to any company.

Consultancy sometimes requires you to have professional certification or licenses to practice. Many of them also need you to have a registered business to do business under. Even with these hurdles, being a consultant can be a rewarding and lucrative low-stress retirement job.


Source: Flickr/Jeremy Lim

Many people have left traditional employment to be freelancers, and creatives could lean into this as a post-retirement stress-free job. A freelancer is someone who works on jobs as they come in and sources their own clients. They span across several fields and don’t need any additional qualifications.

The downside of freelancing is the constant search for clientele. However, if you start doing things well for some customers, word-of-mouth referrals will get you more clients. Additionally, freelancers have the benefit of working from anywhere in the world.

Tour Guide

Source: Flickr/Garry Knight

If you know about a particular place’s history and culture, then being a tour guide is an excellent job fit for you. Tour guides help people discover a place’s rich culture, history, and traditions or advise them on where to go. Some tour guides offer tours of monuments or locations.

In some places, tour guides are required to register with the local Ministry of Tourism. However, for the most part, these people are free to run tours however they see fit. Tour guides also get to meet some of the most interesting people and share stories about their lives.

Proofreader or Data-Entry Operator

Source: Flickr/ World Bank Photo Collection

In the age of AI and fast content, people still need to recheck text to ensure it meets the standards of a company. Many large companies hire proofreaders to ensure that whatever they put out to the public is well-written and hits the mark.

Medical record companies are always looking for data-entry operators, the opposite side of this coin. A data entry operator is responsible for moving written forms into databases accurately. Both of these professionals require attention to detail and an understanding of context.

What Should You Choose?

Source: Flickr/Anoka County Library

These eleven jobs are only a handful of stress-free professions that retirees can look at during their golden years. In many cases, they don’t even require a full-time commitment, giving you the chance to enjoy your retirement while still giving you something to do.

Choosing a post-retirement job should always be something fun that doesn’t stress you out. With the right approach and mindset, these jobs can give you the freedom of time and energy you need to enjoy life. Don’t chase a job that’ll make you miserable in your old age. There are so many other options out there!