At an FDNY promotion ceremony, New York Attorney General Letitia James faced a difficult situation. As she stepped up to deliver her speech, she was greeted not with applause, but with boos and chants of “Trump” from the audience.

This unexpected reaction was in sharp contrast to the event’s purpose, which was to celebrate the advancement of several FDNY members. The atmosphere, intended to be joyous and congratulatory, was instead marked by tension and hostility. Despite the circumstances, James continued with her speech, demonstrating her professionalism and commitment to her role.

The Event Honoring The FDNY

The promotion ceremony was held at the Brooklyn Campus of the Christian Cultural Center. This event was of great importance, as it saw the promotion of 65 uniformed members from various departments including Fire Operations, EMS Operations, and the Bureau of Fire Investigation.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

The ceremony also included the swearing-in of Rev. Pamela Holmes as the FDNY chaplain. The audience consisted of family members of the captains, battalion chiefs, and civilians who were being promoted, as well as their fellow firefighters. This was a momentous occasion for all involved, marking a significant milestone in their careers.

The Crowd’s Reaction To Jones’ Speech

As James ascended the podium, the crowd’s reaction was immediate and intense. Members of the crowd began to jeer. The booing was so loud that James had to address it before she could begin her official remarks.

Source: Flickr/Working Families Party

She attempted to pacify the crowd by asking them to “simmer down” and thanked them for “getting it out of their system”. However, the crowd’s reaction continued to be disruptive throughout her speech.

Trump Supporters Chanting Against Jones

The booing swiftly turned into chants in support of former President Donald Trump. The crowd repeatedly chanted “Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,” drowning out James’ speech. This reaction was linked to the recent case against Trump, which James’ office had won.

Source: Flickr/Matt Cohen

The crowd’s vocal support for Trump and their interruption of James’ speech highlighted the political tension present at the event.

James’ Response to the Crowd

As the crowd’s reaction grew louder, James addressed the matter before beginning her official remarks. She told the crowd, “Oh, come on. We’re in a house of God. First, uhm, simmer down,”.

Source: Kevin P. Coughlin

She thanked them for “getting it out of their system” and attempted to continue with her speech.

James’ Persisted With Her Speech

Despite the ongoing disruption, James pressed on with her remarks. She paid homage to the first responders and prayed for “those men and women who exemplify true courage”.

Source: The President and Fellows of Harvard College

She even acknowledged those in the audience who might have been booing her, saying, “Some may even be here. Some might even be booing me. But nonetheless, I pray for them”.

The Promotion Ceremony

The promotion ceremony, held at the Christian Cultural Center’s Brooklyn Campus, was a notable event. It marked the advancement of 65 uniformed members from various departments such as Fire Operations, EMS Operations, and the Bureau of Fire Investigation.

Source: Flickr/Matt Green

Even though the crowd’s reaction caused a disruption, the ceremony proceeded to acknowledge the accomplishments of these committed individuals. Their dedication and hard work were recognized and celebrated, demonstrating the resilience of the event.

Honoring the New FDNY Chaplain

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the swearing-in of the Rev. Pamela Holmes as the FDNY chaplain. This marked a significant milestone as she became the first African-American woman to hold this position.

Source: Flickr/Mobilus In Mobili

James acknowledged this achievement in her speech, despite the ongoing disruption.

James’ Attendance A Break From Tradition

The presence of New York Attorney General Letitia James at the FDNY promotion ceremony was an unusual occurrence. Typically, the elected official who is invited to speak at such ceremonies is the mayor.

Source: Facebook/Orleans Hub

This deviation from the norm added an unexpected twist to the event and could have played a part in the unforeseen response from the audience. Despite this, the ceremony continued, underscoring the professionalism and dedication of all those involved.

Link to Recent Case Against Trump

The crowd’s reaction was not just a spontaneous outburst but seemed to be linked to a recent case against former President Donald Trump. A firefighter present at the event, who asked to remain anonymous, suggested that the crowd’s reaction was a response to the recent case against Trump.

Source: Flickr/Trump White House Archived

The case, which Trump has claimed amounted to a politically motivated “witch hunt,” resulted in a significant judgment against him.

James’ Reaction to the Judgement

The response of New York Attorney General Letitia James to the judgment against former President Trump has been significant. She has seemingly taunted the former president over the growing interest on the judgment, which is escalating by approximately $1 million every nine days. This judgment represents a substantial financial setback for Trump.

Source: Pixexid

Regardless of the controversy associated with the case, James has maintained her unwavering commitment to justice. Her actions demonstrate her dedication to her role and her determination to uphold the law, irrespective of the challenges she faces.

The Civil Fraud Case Against Trump

The civil fraud case against Donald Trump was filed by New York Attorney General Letitia James. The lawsuit alleged that Trump and his company engaged in business fraud involving some of their most prized assets, including properties in Manhattan, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.

Source: rawpixel

The lawsuit accused Trump of inflating his net worth by billions of dollars and cheating lenders and others with false and misleading financial statements. This case was the culmination of a three-year civil investigation of Trump and the Trump Organization.

The Judgement

The judgement in the case was delivered by Justice Arthur F. Engoron of New York State Supreme Court. The judge ruled that Trump and his company engaged in a years-long scheme to dupe banks and others with financial statements that inflated his wealth.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

The judge found Trump liable on five of the six remaining claims in James’ lawsuit: falsifying business records, issuing false financial statements, conspiracy to commit insurance fraud, and conspiracy to falsify business records. As a result, Trump and his companies were ordered to pay more than $450 million in total, which represents $363.8 million in disgorgement and pre-judgment interest.

Consequences Of Judgement For Trump

The aftermath of the judgement saw significant consequences for Trump and his business. Trump, along with Allen Weisselberg and Jeffrey McConney, were each banned from serving as an officer or director of any New York company for three years.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

A new, Independent Director of Compliance role was created at the Trump Organization to ensure the company establishes internal protocols and meets financial reporting obligations. The current independent, external monitor will continue to oversee the company’s financial dealings and ensure this fraud cannot continue3.

James Victory Sets Precedent

The conclusion of the case marked a significant victory for New York Attorney General Letitia James and a landmark moment in the legal battles against Donald Trump. The case revealed that Trump’s business was based on the art of the steal.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The judgement served as a reminder that no matter how big, rich, or powerful you think you are, no one is above the law. This case has set a precedent for future cases involving powerful individuals and corporations, reinforcing the idea that everyone must play by the same rules.