Once again, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has found another reason to be absolutely outraged. Recent articles have highlighted a few concerning issues that the Georgian representative has chosen to vocalize her anger about. 

This time, and just like every other time she has decided not to remain silent and has voiced out her opinion on discussions between the outgoing Mexican President and the proposal he offered the US regarding the most recent migration crisis. 

The Large Number Of Migrants Camping Outside The Southern Border

On the most recent happenings in the United States, during an interview with CBS News, the US Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens explained how tens of hundreds of migrants have found their way to the southern border. 

Source: Instagram/theimmigrationcoalition

Owens also spoke about how these migrants were able to force their way into the state through the razor wire and how they breached the concertina wire and aimed for the El Paso wall. 

The Situation Is More Like A Security Threat 

For years now, the United States has been dealing with millions of migrants and somehow still has a backlog of people seeking asylum. However, the current immigration situation might be getting out of hand.

Source: X/DailyWireNews

The Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens, has stated that the migrants might be causing more harm to the country than good while talking about the large number of migrants who get to sneak their way into the country without getting caught might be to no good. 

The Outgoing Mexican President Might Have A Proposal For The United States 

Just after the news of the thousands of migrants who crushed down the razor wire just to find their way into the El Paso walls broke out, it was the perfect time for the Mexican president to present his proposal to the US government. 

Source: X/Paulguerra16

The Outgoing Mexican president Andres Manuel López Obrador offered to the US government a mouth-watering proposal that’d help reduce the number of migrants at the southern border. 

This Proposal Has Sparked A Reaction From Marjorie Taylor Greene

If you are familiar with the Georgian Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene then you’d know she’s not one to keep quiet when her voice needs to be loudly heard.

Source: Greg Nash

The terms of the outgoing Mexican president’s proposal have sparked some negative reactions from the Georgian representative. She went all out to characterize the suggestion as a call for bribes.

An Appearance On Sunday’s Edition Of 60 Minutes 

The Mexican president was on the special episode of 60 Minutes and had a few suggestions to make. And one of them was the ongoing migration crisis happening in the US.

Source: Facebook/60Minutes

Surprisingly, López Obrador has sometimes in the past offered to be of great help to the Biden administration to help them reduce the issues of migration and make some effective changes.

This Proposal Might Be Useful 

After offering to help the first time, López Obrador is here again to make another suggestion before he leaves office as the Mexican president. 

Source: Facebook/Evelyn Salgado Pineda

During his interview on 60 Minutes, he offered a new proposal to the US government. Something along the lines of helping them reduce cross-border activities. 

The Proposal Might Address Political And Economic Instability In The U.S. 

Lopez Obrador mentioned in his proposal four things that could be of great help to the United States government. These four things could help the US government address the economic and political instabilities from the root. 

Source: X/Humanismo4T

He suggested that the US should commit $20 billion a year to poor countries in Latin America and also the Caribbean, for the US to lift the sanction on Venezuela, end the Cuban embargo, and lastly legalize law-abiding undocumented Mexican migrants living in the United States. 

What Would Happen If The United States Refused To Take These Steps? 

What happens if the US refuses to take these steps? The Mexican President thinks he has a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen.

Source: AFP

During his interview session with 60 Minutes, President López was asked about what he thought the outcome would be if there was no positive response from the US, he simply replied “The flow of migrants will continue”

A Very Loud Response To These Comments 

After all of what he said during his interview, someone needed to give a response, and Georgian representative Majorie Taylor Greene, an active supporter of Donald Trump, decided it was going to be her. 

Source: CNN

Taylor Greene is known for being outspoken. She instantly went on to X (formerly Twitter) to give her two cents on the said proposal.

They Will Keep Invading Until The United States Pays The Bribe 

Taylor explained on her X account what she understood by the terms of the proposal. She wrote in clear terms, that the president of Mexico is threatening the United States, that until they pay the bribe they will keep invading the US. 


She kept it moving and made further clarification saying López is saying either the United States meets their demands or the invasion continues.

After All That Was Done To Secure The Border? 

Taylor Greene made another post where she talked about all they had to go through, and how they surrendered all their tools to help force the Biden administration to secure the border in the omnibus government funding bills only for this to happen.

Source: X/ValentinaForSOS

After all they went through, now the Mexican president is outrightly demanding a bribe to ‘stem the invasion’ and it’s not even to try and stop it! How ridiculous.

Mexican President López Obrador Is Trying To Blackmail President Joe Biden 

There’s another individual who also believes that there’s something wrong with the Mexican president’s proposal to help stem the invasion of migrants in the state. 

Source: Mike Blake

The Republican senator told Newsweek that he believes that the Mexican president is trying to blackmail President Joe Biden to either accept his proposal or keep invading.

I Will Always Say What I Think! 

After listening to the various criticisms about his proposal to the US, Mexican President López Obrador further stated that he’s only being factual and he needs to say it as it is and he will continue to say what he feels. 

Source: Facebook/Andrés Manuel López Obrador

To end his conversation on this topic, he said even if the US government refuses to accept his proposal, Mexico will continue to provide support at the border after all what matters is the relationship between them.