As Rep. Lauren Boebert’s first term in Congress draws close, her political fortunes appear to be declining. While she rode a wave of far-right support into office in 2020, Boebert now faces criticism on multiple fronts as she gears up for a 2024 re-election bid in a newly redrawn district.

With an embattled campaign and a disengaged governing approach, the firebrand Congresswoman risks abandoning the constituents who sent her to Washington. Over the next 100 words, this article will analyze Boebert’s fading re-election prospects and disengagement from the district she represents in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District.

Boebert’s Controversial First Term in Congress

Lauren Boebert’s first term as the Representative for Colorado’s 3rd congressional district has been marred by controversy and missteps. Upon taking office in January 2021, Boebert immediately garnered criticism for her inflammatory social media posts and provocative statements.

Source: Sheila Flynn

Boebert’s initial months in Congress were dominated by her frequent and often misleading social media posts rather than substantive legislative work. She spread misinformation related to COVID-19, the 2020 election, and the attack on the U.S. Capitol. According to congressional tracking databases, Boebert has sponsored only three bills in her first year, none of which have progressed.

Her Approach Was Wrong All This Time

By the fall of 2021, Boebert’s approval ratings in Colorado’s 3rd district had declined precipitously. Her bombastic style and embrace of far-right conspiracy theories had alienated moderate Republicans and independents.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

In a shock move, Boebert announced in December 2021 that she would run for re-election in the neighboring 4th district rather than her current 3rd district seat. The abrupt district change was seen by many as an acknowledgement that Boebert faced a difficult path to re-election in her district.

Boebert’s Declining Popularity and Poll Numbers

Lauren Boebert’s popularity and approval ratings have declined significantly in recent months. According to several polls, her favorability among voters in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District has dropped nearly 15 points since January 2022. A Rocky Mountain Poll found only 38% of CD3 voters view Boebert favorably, while a separate poll by the Democratic firm Impact Research reported her approval rating at 37%.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

These dismal numbers demonstrate Boebert’s increasing unpopularity and reflect voters’ growing dissatisfaction with her performance in Congress. Her provocative rhetoric, frequent controversies, and perceived lack of substantive legislative achievements have alienated moderates and independents who once supported her.

Frisch Vs. Boebert in 2024

Frisch has announced his intention to run against Boebert again in 2024, and with stronger name recognition and funding, he poses an even greater threat. However, Boebert faces significant challenges even before reaching the general election. Several Republican candidates have entered the primary race, criticizing Boebert as an “embarrassment” and arguing a more traditional conservative leader would better serve the district.

Source: Reuters

Though Boebert previously seemed invincible, her fortunes have rapidly declined. The support that propelled her to a surprise victory in 2020 has deteriorated, leaving her politically isolated. Within a few short years, Boebert went from a political outsider to congresswoman to persona non grata. Her brief moment in the spotlight appears to be fading as swiftly as it began.

Constituent Complaints About Lack of Accessibility

Residents report that Boebert rarely publicly appears in the district and is largely inaccessible to voters. According to numerous sources, Boebert’s office failed to respond to constituents’ calls and emails regarding policy issues or requests for assistance.

Source: Rachel Mummey

Some constituents traveled long distances to attend Boebert’s public events only to find she did not attend. Her perceived lack of interest in district matters and voters has angered many. Boebert’s constituents overwhelmingly desire representatives prioritizing local concerns like jobs, infrastructure, healthcare, and education over partisan spectacle and controversy.

Boebert is an Embarrassment

Voters feel Boebert has neglected her duties to focus on raising her national profile through inflammatory rhetoric and stunts. Sources describe Boebert as an “embarrassment” who “makes a fool out of herself” and has failed to achieve any meaningful legislative accomplishments.

Source: Associated Press

While some of Boebert’s most fervent supporters remain loyal, her actions have alienated moderate Republicans and unaffiliated voters in the district. Many see her as a “carpetbagger” who abandoned the district for political opportunity elsewhere. The departure of Boebert and her “circus” of controversies relieves voters weary of the negative attention she has brought.

Boebert Misses Votes and Committee Hearings

Boebert’s tenure in Congress has been marked by frequent absences and lack of participation, calling into question her commitment to serving constituents. According to congressional records, Boebert has missed 20% of votes in the House since taking office, higher than the median of 2% among representatives.

Source: Twitter(X)/RepBoebert

Her truancy has also extended to committee work; Boebert failed to attend over 50% of Natural Resource Committee hearings and meetings in her first six months in Congress. Boebert’s lack of engagement has drawn criticism from both sides of the political aisle.

Boebert Faces Primary Challenger After Just One Term

Her sudden departure from the 3rd District race shocked political observers. Professor Justin Gollob of Colorado Mesa University noted that Boebert’s exit “really changed the message” and dynamics of the race. Initially focused on Boebert herself, the election will now center on more substantive policy issues.

Source: RJ Sangosti

Republicans now face a competitive primary to choose a candidate for the open 3rd District seat. The frontrunner appears to be Jeff Hurd, an attorney from Grand Junction with a more mainstream Republican image.

Questions Raised About Boebert’s Campaign Finances

Lauren Boebert’s sudden departure from Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District has raised questions about the management and oversight of her campaign finances. According to campaign finance reports, Boebert has raised over $6 million in campaign contributions since announcing her first bid for Congress.

Source: PBS

However, her campaign has spent nearly 90% of those funds, leaving little remaining in her campaign war chest despite facing a competitive re-election bid. Some former supporters and constituents have voiced concerns over Boebert’s exorbitant campaign spending on items seemingly unrelated to her re-election efforts.

What’s Next for Boebert’s Political Career?

Boebert’s exit from the CD3 race drastically altered the dynamics within the district. As Justin Gollob, a political science professor at Colorado Mesa University, stated, “Her exit changed the message…This was an election largely based on a referendum of Lauren Boebert – and now it’s become a much more meat-and-potatoes issue.”

Source: Twitter(X)/RepBoebert

The open CD3 seat will now host a more traditional Republican primary. Frontrunners include Jeff Hurd, a lawyer from Grand Junction focused on local issues like improving life in Colorado. In contrast with Boebert, Hurd promotes “doing something” over “being someone.” Voters appear relieved at the prospect of a return to normalcy without Boebert’s “angertainment.”