There could be a big shift in the next few months for the Texas Senate race. Senator Cruz is in a statistical tie with two Democratic opponents per a January Emerson College Poll. Let’s take a closer look at what is going on.

Cruz’s Suspenseful Victory In 2018

Cruz took victory over Beto O’Rurke in one of the closest races in the Senate in 10 years.

Source: J. Scott Applewhite

The close race gave Republicans the opportunity to further influence the state of Texas, although for a moment O’Rurke had given a glimpse of hope that the state might be turning purple.

Survey Says

Cruz secured 42% percent, while U.S. representative Colin Allred had 40%

Source: Unsplash/Lukas Blazek

Similar to that, Texas Senator and Senator Roland Gutierrez were pretty much tied, with Cruz taking the lead just by one point.

Deciding Factor

At the end of it, Cruz took the win by 2.6 percentage points or approximately 219,000 votes. Initially the Republican gracefully thanked his Democratic opponent.

Source: Adobe Stock

But then stated “We saw a $100 million race with Hollywood coming in against the state, with the national media coming in against the state. But all the money in the world was no match for the good people of Texas and their hard work.”

Prepared For Change

Paige Hutchinson, Allred’s campaign manager, indicated that Texas is ready for change, saying,

Source: Sebastian Scheiner

“Texas is ready to move past Ted Cruz’s culture wars and division, and with less than a year until the election, we are confident we will have the resources to send Cruz packing.”

Fundraising Competition

A Democrat, Allred, announced $4.8 million in fundraising for the fourth quarter. Cruz told Fox News that he was able to obtain $5.5 million.

Source: Unsplash/Markus Winkler

In comparison to Adam Frisch in Colorado’s third district, the majority of Allred’s fundraising consisted of primary small donations, with the average donation of $31.62 in the last quarter.

Most Recent Democratic Senator Was In The 90s

The most recent Democratic Senator in Texas was Bob Kruger in 1993.

Source: Billy Calzada

Since the state has proudly been predominantly a Republican state.

Main Voters

Spencer Kimball, the executive director of Emerson College Polling, announced in a press release

Source: Adobe Stock

“Significant portions of several key constituent groups are undecided in the Democratic Senate Primary, including Hispanic Democratic voters, Gen Z and Millennial voters, and voters without a college degree.”

Contending For A Seat

Mark Gonzalez, Nueces County District Attorney, is also in the running. Although Allred has been the most popular choice amongst blue voters, leading with 29 points.

Source: Adobe Stock

Not far behind him is Gutierrez, with 7 points, and Gonzalez, with 6. While others are still making up their minds. Although the March 5th primary is quickly coming up.

Giving Advice To The Democrat

Further statements made, read “Allred needs to make inroads with these voters, like he has with Democrats in their 60s and those with postgraduate degrees, 52% of whom respectively support him.”

Source: Adobe Stock

The former NFL player and civil rights attorney, Allred, has lower popularity than Cruz amongst younger voters, even more so with those under the age of 30.

“Certain limitations

The Uvalde representative stated, “We must change what’s going on in our country on this issue. And the only way we’re going to change it is if cowardly politicians like Ted Cruz see the images that I’ve seen and take action,

Source: Ted Cruz

and that action is an assault weapons ban, with certain exceptions and with certain limitations.”

Gutierrez’s Fights For Uvalde

The very vocal Democrat gained prominence after the Uvalde shooting, since he is the representative of the district. Gutierrez admitted he owns guns, but he also added, “I don’t own an AR-15, and I don’t need one. This gun fires three times the speed of my 9 mm.”

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

He never questioned peoples rights to the second amendment, Gutierrez had plenty to say about guns and legislatures.

Images Are Haunting The Lawmaker

The images from the massacre in Uvalde that sadly ended the lives of 19 children and two teachers are imprinted in the lawmakers mind, Guiterrez stated that it will haunt him for the rest of his life.

Source: Greg Nash

This is the exact reason why Guiterrez put in for significant gun-related changes and wrote on X, “Uvalde happened because cowardly politicians like Ted Cruz haven’t done a thing to fix Texas’ broken system and pass gun reform.”