A recent video has ignited controversy and an intense debate. African American leaders in Tennessee are accusing the state’s GOP of racism, and compared their actions to slavery. The video, titled “Black Leaders In Tennessee Say It’s Racist To Stop Black Crime,” underscores the contentious matter of crime control measures in the state, specifically in Memphis.

Criticizing The GOP

Critics contend that the GOP’s actions aim to silence dissent and maintain systemic racism. 


They argue that the actions used to tackle crime in predominantly black neighborhoods are unjustly targeted and neglect to see the root cause of the violence.

Increased Crime In Memphis 

The video discusses a recent surge in homicides in the Memphis area, which has reached an unprecedented high following the enforcement of an ordinance that limited police authority.

Source: Unsplash/Joshua J. Cotten

In reaction to the uptick of violence, the state GOP has passed a law that has reversed the ordinance, sparking backlash from some black leaders who attribute the action to racism and oppression. 

Backing The GOP’s Efforts

However, proponents of the GOP’s actions make the argument that they are necessary moves that need to be made to address the public safety crisis. 

Source: Conservative Patriots of Orange County

They highlight the shocking homicide rates in Memphis, which have far exceeded rates in major cities such as New York City. The video underscores the statistics that indicate how Memphis has a higher homicide rate per capita than the most dangerous nations in the world, emphasizing the urgent need for intervention.

Challenging Effective Solutions

At the core of the matter lies the question of how to best protect communities and still uphold principles of justice and equality. Is it possible to address crime efficiently without exacerbating racial disparities? 

Source: Shutterstock

Can policymakers find common ground to manage crime while still respecting rights and dignity of all citizens?

Societal Strain 

The debate surrounding the control measures in Tennessee show a broader societal strain over race, policing, and criminal justice reform in the U.S. 

Source:Unsplash/David von Diemar

While some support community-based approaches to tackle crime and violence, others are in opposition, arguing for harsher law enforcement measures to ensure public safety.

Is It A Crime?

People shared their opinions in the comments: “Sounds about right. Millions of them have never paid rent, bought groceries with money, paid for health insurance, or even had a job. 

Source: Brad Vest

It is definitely a crime to stop them from stealing from people who work.”Some have controversial questions: “So is she saying that crime is innately black?”

Appeal For Constructive Dialogue

As the heated debate continues, it is obvious that finding a solution to the complex issue of crime and violence demands a nuanced and inclusive approach. 

Source: StockAdobe

It is only through constructive dialogue and collectively coming together can communities aim to create a safer and more equitable environment for all that reside there.

Challenging Ignorance

A commenter added: “It is NOT racist to expect everyone of every race to be law abiding. There’s a reason why non black people in those areas cross the streets when they see black young men in their range of being able to cause harm.”

Source: Unsplash/Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona

Another person concluded: “As a black man myself i cant fathom how truly ignorant these people are for saying something like this. Truly disgusting for them to think stopping crime is racist.”

How To Fight Crime Effectively 

What do you think? How can we create balance between the prudent need for public safety measures and the necessity to address the underlying social and economic factors contributing to crime?

Source: Unsplash

Do you think communities can effectively fight crime without resorting to polarizing rhetoric and accusations of racism?

Measures To Control Crime 

How can law enforcement agencies, community leaders, and policymakers contribute to fostering trust and cooperation to address crime and violence? 

Source: Unsplash/AJ Colores

How can we guarantee that crime control measures do not disproportionately impact marginalized communities or make existing inequalities worse?