In a shocking revelation on X, formerly known as Twitter, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene shared what she claimed to be a leaked supplemental spending plan proposed by Speaker Mike Johnson. The alleged plan, totaling $95.34 billion, has left the internet furious and questioning the government’s priorities.

Greene Shares Alleged Leaked Foreign Aid Plan

Marjorie Taylor Greene retweeted a post on Monday, April 15, containing an image of a printed copy of the supposed leak. The post detailed Speaker Johnson’s foreign aid plan, which Greene claimed was developed without consulting the House GOP. The revelation has sparked a heated debate on social media about government spending and transparency.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

The leaked plan, as shared by Greene, allocates a staggering $95.34 billion in supplemental spending, with roughly 60% of the funds going directly into the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). The breakdown of the proposed spending has left many taxpayers questioning the government’s priorities and demanding accountability.

Ukraine and Israel: The Biggest Beneficiaries

According to the leaked plan, Ukraine is set to receive the lion’s share of foreign aid, with $48.43 billion earmarked for various purposes. This includes $19.85 billion for replenishing Department of Defense (DOD) stocks, $14.8 billion for DOD operations in the EUCOME AOR, and $13.8 billion in USAI for Ukraine to purchase US weapons.

Source: Flickr/Ministry of Defense

Israel is also a significant beneficiary in the alleged plan, with $14.1 billion allocated for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome and David’s Sling, as well as $3.5 billion in FMS for Israel to purchase US weapons. The substantial funding for these two countries has raised eyebrows among taxpayers.

Red Sea Operations and INDOPACOM: More Billions Allocated

The leaked plan also includes $2.4 billion for Red Sea Operations, to be used for “operations, force protection, and the replacement of combat expenditures.” Additionally, $2.58 billion is allocated to INDOPACOM, with $1.9 billion for replenishing DOD stocks and $542 million for INDOPACOM UPL.

Source: Flickr/J

The revelation of these substantial allocations has further fueled the anger and frustration of taxpayers, who are demanding more transparency and accountability from their elected officials. Many are questioning the necessity of such massive spending on foreign aid while domestic issues remain unaddressed.

Submarine Industrial Base: $3.3 Billion Investment

The alleged leak also includes a $3.3 billion investment in the submarine industrial base, specifically for “dry dock construction, etc, in support of SIB and AUKIS.” This allocation has raised questions about the government’s priorities and the need for such substantial investments in military infrastructure.

Source: Flickr/Public Domain

Greene’s revelation has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many users expressing their outrage and frustration over the government’s apparent lack of transparency and accountability. Taxpayers are demanding answers and a say in how their hard-earned money is being spent.

Greene Calls Out Speaker Johnson

In her post on X, Marjorie Taylor Greene expressed her disappointment with Speaker Mike Johnson, claiming that if the leaked plan is true, he had worked on it without consulting the rest of the House GOP. She also mentioned that she had asked Johnson to demand Senate Majority Leader Schumer hold the impeachment trial of Mayorkas and vote on HR2 border security, but he allegedly said he couldn’t.

Source: FreePik

Greene’s comments have further fueled the anger and frustration of taxpayers, who feel that their elected representatives are not acting in their best interests. Many are calling for greater transparency and accountability in government spending decisions.

Internet Reacts: Outrage Over Iron Dome Funding

The revelation of the alleged leaked plan has sparked a wave of outrage on social media, with many users expressing their disbelief and anger over the proposed spending. One user questioned the need for continued funding of Israel’s Iron Dome, calling it “absolutely ludicrous.”

Source: Flickr/Israel Defense Forces

The substantial allocations to foreign countries while domestic issues remain unaddressed have left many taxpayers feeling neglected and unrepresented by their government. The leaked plan has reignited the debate over government spending priorities and the need for greater accountability.

Taxpayers Feel Unrepresented and Betrayed

As the news of the alleged leaked plan spread on social media, many taxpayers expressed their frustration and anger, feeling that their government had betrayed them. One user stated, “The government hates us, we hate the government. Tyranny.”

Source: Flickr/eFile989

Another user pointed out the irony of the leaked plan being revealed on Tax Day, stating, “If you paid your taxes today, know that you got no representation to go with them……. They did it to you today on purpose just to throw it in your faces.”

Concerns Over Reckless Spending and Lack of Funds

The staggering $95.34 billion price tag of the alleged leaked plan has left many taxpayers questioning the government’s fiscal responsibility. One user noted, “Almost $100 billion. Reckless spending. We don’t have the money.”

Source: Flickr/NoHoDamon

The concerns over the government’s apparent lack of fiscal restraint have amplified calls for greater transparency and accountability in spending decisions. Taxpayers are demanding that their elected officials prioritize domestic issues and ensure that their hard-earned money is spent wisely.

Demands for Transparency and Accountability

As the outrage over the alleged leaked plan continues to grow, taxpayers are demanding greater transparency and accountability from their elected officials. Many are calling for a thorough investigation into the proposed spending and a public explanation from Speaker Mike Johnson and other involved parties.

Source: Flickr/Blogtrepeneur

The revelation of the alleged leaked plan has reignited the debate over government spending priorities and the need for greater oversight. Taxpayers are demanding that their voices be heard and that their elected representatives act in their best interests.

Questioning the Priorities of Elected Officials

The substantial allocations to foreign countries in the alleged leaked plan have led many taxpayers to question the priorities of their elected officials. With domestic issues like healthcare, education, and infrastructure in need of attention, the proposed spending on foreign aid has left many feeling neglected and unrepresented.

Source: Flickr/VitalSpring TechInc

Taxpayers are demanding that their elected officials prioritize the needs of their constituents and ensure that government spending reflects the values and priorities of the American people.

The Need for a National Conversation on Spending Priorities

The revelation of the alleged leaked plan has highlighted the need for a national conversation on government spending priorities. With taxpayers feeling unrepresented and betrayed by their elected officials, it is clear that a more inclusive and transparent approach to budget decisions is needed.

Source: Flickr/Steven A. Miller

As the debate over the alleged leaked plan continues, elected officials must engage with their constituents and listen to their concerns. Only through open and honest dialogue can we hope to achieve a government that truly represents the interests of the American people.

The Importance of Holding Elected Officials Accountable

The outrage over the alleged leaked plan has underscored the importance of holding elected officials accountable for their actions and decisions. Taxpayers have the right to know how their money is being spent and to have a say in the priorities of their government.

Source: Flickr/Kelley Minars

As the fallout from the alleged leaked plan continues, taxpayers must remain vigilant and continue to demand transparency and accountability from their elected representatives. Only by actively participating in the democratic process can we hope to achieve a government that truly serves the interests of the people.

The Power of Social Media in Holding Government Accountable

The widespread outrage and debate sparked by Marjorie Taylor Greene’s revelation of the alleged leaked plan on X highlight the power of social media in holding the government accountable. Platforms like X have given taxpayers a voice and a means to express their concerns and demand action from their elected officials.

Source: Flickr/Jason Howie

As the debate over government spending priorities continues, it is clear that social media will play an increasingly important role in shaping public opinion and holding those in power accountable. Taxpayers must continue to use these platforms to make their voices heard and demand the transparency and accountability they deserve.

A Call to Action for Taxpayers

The revelation of the alleged leaked spending plan by Marjorie Taylor Greene has sparked a nationwide conversation about government spending priorities and the need for greater transparency and accountability. As taxpayers, it is our responsibility to remain engaged and vigilant in holding our elected officials accountable for their actions and decisions.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

We must continue to demand answers and explanations from those in power, and we must use our voices and our votes to ensure that our government truly represents the interests and priorities of the American people. Only by working together and remaining committed to the principles of democracy can we hope to achieve a government that serves us all.