Over the past few years, there have been increasing concerns regarding the decline in the quality of Google search results, especially for product queries. This has aligned with the rise of affiliate marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactics aimed at gaming search algorithms for profit rather than providing authentic, useful information.
A recent study by researchers from Leipzig University and others analyzed over 7,000 product search queries on Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo over a year. The results showed that the highest-ranked pages featured more affiliate links and lower-quality content overall, indicating that SEO spammers often succeeded in manipulating search rankings.
The Growing Concern
A recent study has confirmed what many Google Search users have been noticing-the quality of search results, especially for product reviews, appears to be declining. This is likely due to the rise of low-quality websites optimized for search engines (SEO) in order to profit from affiliate marketing schemes.

Multiple experts, analysts, and users have sounded alarms about diminishing Google Search quality over the past few years. Many have resorted to adding “Reddit” to searches to surface more authentic, helpful content. The researchers concluded search engines are losing ground against SEO spammers despite ongoing algorithm tweaks. These changes have a temporary positive effect before new loopholes are found.
Google’s Counterargument
Google acknowledges the issues raised in recent studies but maintains that these focus on narrow aspects of search quality that don’t reflect overall performance. The company points to improvements and safeguards implemented to combat low-quality results.

The company admits that more work is needed but maintains that measurable progress has been made in combatting issues raised by critics. Google claims biases inherent in narrow studies fail to reflect the full scope of ongoing improvements to search quality.
Affiliate Marketing and Product Reviews
Monetization of websites through affiliate marketing and product reviews creates an inherent conflict of interest that can negatively impact the quality and usefulness of information presented to online search users. Affiliate marketing programs pay websites commissions for driving purchases through special links.

This provides a financial incentive for sites to optimize for search engine rankings rather than providing impartial advice. Achieving the ideal balance remains an immense challenge, given the scale and financial motivations involved. Yet the health of online ecosystems depends on getting it right.
SEO: A Necessary Evil
Search engine optimization (SEO) has become an integral part of doing business on the internet. Websites utilize various techniques to improve their ranking in search engines like Google in order to drive more traffic. While SEO can help sites provide quality content to users, it has also led to the proliferation of low-quality “junk” sites aimed solely at gaming search algorithms.

Questionable sites often utilize manipulative SEO tactics and fill the web with duplicative, low-quality content. Their priority is profits over providing value for users. However, Google still outperforms competitors overall. But, more work is needed to address the infiltration of affiliate sites in areas like product reviews.
The Leipzig University Study
A recent study conducted by researchers at Leipzig University in Germany analyzed the quality of Google’s search results, specifically for product reviews. The study looked at over 7,000 product search terms over a year to evaluate the usefulness and trustworthiness of the top search results.

The findings indicate that Google is struggling in its fight against “review spam” – low-quality content focused heavily on affiliate marketing rather than providing authentic recommendations to users. The top-ranked search results for product terms are increasingly “optimized” pages focused on affiliate marketing rather than quality content. These pages feature a high volume of affiliate links and lower-quality text.
Findings of the Study
The researchers concluded that “SEO spam” is able to find ways to beat search engines’ algorithmic adjustments repeatedly. However, they noted Google seems to be locked in a “cat-and-mouse game” with these tactics, leading to a back-and-forth dynamic.

While concerning, the findings were limited to product reviews. As the Google spokesperson indicated, search quality likely varies across different search categories. More research would be needed to determine if similar dynamics are occurring more broadly.
SEO Battle: Cat-and-Mouse Game
As search algorithms constantly adjust to demote low-quality, spammy content, SEO professionals react by finding new optimization tricks and loopholes. This creates a “cat-and-mouse game” where advances by search engines lead to only temporary improvements before being circumvented again.

As a Google spokesperson stated, this narrow study does not reflect broader search quality. Yet, for product searches specifically, work remains to elevate useful content over revenue-focused spam. Through perseverance and responsiveness to user needs, search engines can hopefully maintain an edge in delivering authentic results.
Google’s Relative Performance
According to the researchers, Google performed significantly better than Bing and DuckDuckGo when searching for product reviews. Over the study period, Google showed improvements in delivering higher quality search results while still losing ground in the “cat-and-mouse game” against search engine optimization (SEO) spam tactics.

While concerning, the study found Google had a “temporary positive effect” from efforts to improve algorithms. So, adjustments did make incremental improvements, even if SEO spam tactics inevitably found new loopholes. Minor algorithm improvements provide temporary boosts, though more transformational changes may be needed for Google to reclaim substantial-high-quality dominance in this specific search category.
Google Accepts Tresponsibility But Deems The Study Inaccurate
According to a statement by a Google spokesperson, this particular study does not capture the full picture of Google’s overall search quality. The spokesperson highlighted that for the billions of queries Google handles daily across a wide range of topics, third-party research has continued to find Google provides the highest quality results compared to competitors.

It is important to note this study specifically examined product review search terms, which are particularly prone to SEO spam given the monetization incentives. Performance on other search verticals may show more positive results.
Expert Perspectives
There has been an ongoing debate around whether the quality of Google’s search results has deteriorated in recent years. Lily Ray’s assessment provides valuable insight into this complex issue from an SEO expert’s perspective.

Ray highlights research showing that low-quality, optimized pages with affiliate links tend to rank higher in product searches. This appears to be an increasing problem across major search engines, though Google still outperforms competitors. Each Google algorithm update provides short-term gains before spammers find new loopholes.
Google’s Ongoing Efforts
Google recognizes the issues with low-quality product review content and is continuously reviewing and evolving search results to surface the most helpful information for users. Several actions have been taken recently.

Implemented algorithmic changes targeting review spam and sites focused solely on monetization rather than providing value. These changes have shown some success, according to the study referenced, and introduced new ranking signals and quality metrics to identify authentic, original content better.
Adding Humans To The Search Algorithm Equation
Expanded use of human raters to evaluate search quality and integrity of results. Google has over 10,000 human evaluators providing ongoing feedback for algorithm refinement.

Through persistent algorithm iterations, quality checks, creator feedback, and policy enforcement, Google strives to maintain Search as an indispensable source of useful information for all users. Addressing issues around affiliate content and monetization-focused sites remains an area of focus in those efforts.
Broader Issues in the Search Engine Industry
With over 63,000 searches per second on Google alone, search engines must balance providing comprehensive coverage with high-quality, useful results. As the study shows, low-quality content can undermine users’ trust. This demonstrates the challenges of keeping pace with the vast amount of content created daily.

People increasingly expect comprehensive, high-quality, and timely search results. Yet the proliferation of questionable content threatens to erode trust over the long term. Managing user perceptions represents another key challenge. Addressing these systemic issues requires coordinated efforts across the industry.
Time For Google To Level Up
While Google has long been the dominant player in search, recent developments raise questions about whether it can continue delivering the high-quality results users have come to expect. Factors like the growth of misinformation online, the shift to mobile, and increasing calls for greater privacy all pose challenges to Google’s algorithms and data collection practices.

However, with its vast resources and some of the world’s top AI talent, Google remains well-positioned to adapt its systems to address these issues. Ultimately, users will decide if Google’s offerings remain competitive or lose ground to alternative search engines focused on privacy or curation.
When It is All Said and Done
Google faces increasing challenges in delivering high-quality search results. As the volume and diversity of online content grows exponentially, maintaining relevance and accuracy becomes more difficult. Additionally, changes to search algorithms designed to elevate authoritative content have led to charges of bias and censorship.

Despite these issues, Google still leads the search market and continues working to refine its systems, promote transparency, and deliver the most helpful results possible. Overall, the company’s dominance shows no signs of fading soon, but the quality and integrity of its core product remain an evolving conversation.