Liz Cheney, the former congresswoman and ex-chair of the House Republican Conference, isn’t giving up on her fight against former President Donald Trump. She recently appeared on the Pod Save America podcast – hosted by Jon Favreau – and talked about her role as the ‘unlikely resistance hero’ against the MAGA movement. Here’s what she had to say!

Young Voters Don’t View It As A ‘Democrat vs. Republican’ Type Of Race

Liz Cheney (a former Republican) described being an ‘unlikely resistance hero’ as ‘weird in some ways,’ but it’s also giving her hope – thanks to a change in voter mindset over the past few years. What used to be a race against reds and blues, is now a race against so much more – including the US Constitution.

Source: Douglas Rissing from Getty Images Signature via Canva

“One of the things that does give me hope is how many people have said – and especially young people – they don’t think about ‘Well, am I a Republican or a Democrat?’ They’re saying, ‘Are we going to live in a country that’s governed by the Constitution?” Cheney said during the interview.

Despite The Hope, Cheney Says Donald Trump Must Be Stopped

Cheney, along with so many others (both Democrats and Republicans), is worried about what a potential second term would mean for Donald Trump – and the United States, in general. Not only is he continuing his push for a more authoritative government, but he’s challenging the very framework that this country was built on.

Source: Pexels/Rosemary Ketchum

For example, in December 2023, Trump was given an opportunity to reassure Americans he wouldn’t abuse power if he won a second term. His response – “No, no, no, other than day one.” He has also continued his push for presidential immunity – despite currently facing 91 criminal charges in four different states.

Cheney Encourages Nikki Haley To Continue Her Fight Against Trump

During her interview with Favreau, Cheney weighed in on the current Republican Primary – which began on January 15. The winning candidate needs 1,215 delegates, but only 61 have been allocated – Iowa and New Hampshire. Trump is in an early lead with 32 delegates, while Nikki Haley (his only true competitor) has 17 delegates.

Source: Wikimedia

While Cheney hasn’t made any formal endorsements, she wants Haley to continue her fight as long as she possibly can. “So we need to make sure we’re challenging him and working to defeat him at every step of the way,” Cheney said. “And right now, Nikki Haley is in this fight, and I think she ought to stay in it.”

Is Cheney Considering A Presidential Run Of Her Own?

Many of her supporters are urging Cheney to enter the Presidential race as an independent to strengthen her resistance against Trump. She isn’t ruling it out, but says her main priority right now is defeating Trump. If that means entering the race, then that’s what she’s going to do.

Source: Pexels/masonking

At the end of the day, Cheney is only interested in doing what’s right. She has always supported those who she believes ‘are going to defend the Constitution’ – which is why she is so against Trump and what he stands for. I mean, we’re talking about someone who risked her career to try and bring down Trump.

She Was Ousted From Office In 2021 For Her Stance Against Trump

The Cheney-Trump beef has been growing for several years now – and it’s showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. She was one of 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in 2021, following the January 6 attack on the US Capitol – and she even served on the Jan. 6 committee.

Source: Unsplash/Louis Velazquez

Her stance against Trump cost her the Chair of the House Republican Conference (ousted on May 12, 2021, and replaced by Elise Stefanik) and eventually her role as a member of the US House of Representatives from Wyoming (ousted on January 3, 2023, and succeeded by Harriet Hageman, who was endorsed by Trump).

Cheney Calls Stefanik A ‘Crackpot’ For Switching Her Stance

Elise Stefanik initially condemned the events that unfolded on Jan. 6 and called it a ‘tragic day for America’ – adding that the ‘perpetrators’ of the inexcusable act against democracy ‘must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.’ Now, more than three years later, she’s calling those same perpetrators ‘hostages.’

Source: Wikimedia

Her sudden switch of stance has Cheney questioning her true intentions. “One day [Stefanik] will have to explain how and why she morphed into a total crackpot. History, and our children, deserve to know,” she wrote on X last week – a sentiment many in the House and Senate agree with.

Stefanik Accuses Cheney Of Hiding Evidence From Jan. 6 Investigation

The Cheney-Stefanik battle didn’t end there. Responding to Cheney’s post, Stefanik called the Jan. 6 select committee a ‘sham’ and accused them (including Cheney) of ‘deleting and hiding evidence from the investigation.’ Stefanik – eager to turn the tables back onto Cheney – said she will soon have to answer for her involvement in the ‘sham.’

Source: Unsplash

Stefanik, along with many other pro-Trump Republicans, has repeatedly attacked the committee for allegedly destroying evidence to weaken the defense against Trump. Cheney, on the other hand, has repeatedly welcomed a public trial into the matter, claiming that the allegations are far from the truth.

Liz Cheney Explains Everything In More Detail In Newest Book

Liz Cheney doesn’t know if she’ll run for office later this year, but she has other things to worry about right now – such as promoting her new book that details her longstanding opposition to Donald Trump. It’s titled Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning, and she published it on December 5, 2023.

Source: Pexels/Caio

In the book, she describes Trump as ‘the most dangerous man ever to inhabit the Oval Office’ and covers the extent of what happened on January 6 – including who was behind it, and who helped stop it. She also discusses the 2020 election and Trump’s claims that the election was stolen – a claim he continues to believe to this day.