In a recent development that has ignited widespread debate and condemnation, members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front were captured on video marching through the streets of Charleston, West Virginia.

The incident, documented and shared on social media platforms, has raised concerns about the presence of extremist ideologies in local communities and prompted calls for action from civic leaders and advocacy groups. As details emerge about the group’s activities and motivations, the incident highlights broader societal tensions and challenges surrounding hate speech and public safety.

Patriot Front Marches Through Charleston, West Virginia, Asserting Vision of America’s Identity

Videos shared on social media on Saturday depicted members of the white supremacist organization Patriot Front marching through Charleston, West Virginia.

Source: Youtube/PBS NewsHour

Formed by disillusioned individuals from Vanguard America in September 2017 after the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Patriot Front members assert their belief that their ancestors conquered America for them alone, identifying as American fascists or nationalists dedicated to preserving America’s identity as a European-American nation.

White Supremacists Donning Coordinated Attire, Asserting Anti-Sale Slogans

Videos capturing the group’s march toward the state Capitol in downtown Charleston on Saturday were posted to X, previously known as Twitter, showing individuals clad in coordinated khaki pants, hats, and dark polo shirts with masks covering their faces.

Source: Southern Poverty Law Center

The footage reveals the group marching while carrying a banner proclaiming “America is not for sale” and chanting slogans.

West Virginia Democratic Party Chair Mike Pushkin Reacts Strongly to Patriot Front March Through Charleston

“So these a******* from Patriot Front just marched through our beautiful town. While I support their 1st amendment right to PEACEFUL assembly…I also support our right to flip them off!” expressed Mike Pushkin, chair of the West Virginia Democratic Party and a Democratic member of the West Virginia House of Delegates representing District 37, in a post on X.

Source: Narratively

His remarks on X echoed the sentiments of many residents regarding the controversial event, highlighting the community’s stance against hate groups and their commitment to defending democratic values.

YWCA Charleston’s Race to End Racism Coincides with White Supremacist March, Prompting Speculation on Timing

Although it is unclear what prompted the group to march, the YWCA Charleston held its 8th annual Race to End Racism, aiming to raise funds for community engagement and racial equity and inclusion programming.

Source: Youtube

The race coincided with the group of men beginning their march, sparking speculation about the timing and potential motivations behind their actions.

Charleston Mayor Amy Goodwin Condemns Patriot Front for Spreading Hate, Expresses Gratitude for YWCA’s Race to End Racism

Mayor Amy Goodwin issued a statement condemning the Patriot Front group for their dissemination of hate, emphasizing the city’s commitment to standing against such ideologies.

Source: Youtube

She stated “First, I want to thank the organizers and supporters of the YWCA’s Race to End Racism today in Charleston. It is important for our community to celebrate coming together and stand up against hate. When our City team learned of a national hate group demonstrating earlier today, we acted quickly and appropriately to make sure all in our community remained safe”.

Charleston Mayor Amy Goodwin Refuses to Amplify Hate Propaganda, Urges Community Celebration

She emphasized: “They want us to share their propaganda – and repost their photos on social media – I will not. We cannot let voices that want to spread hate be louder than the voices of those of us who want to celebrate our community.”

Source: Flickr/Seraholla

Mayor Goodwin’s resolute stance underscores the importance of resisting hate speech and promoting unity within the community amidst divisive actions.

Charleston City Police Monitor Patriot Front March Amid Permit Uncertainty

According to WV Public Broadcasting, the Charleston City Police closely monitored the march to prevent any potential disturbances, deploying a significant presence in the vicinity.

Source: Wikimedia/North Charleston

However, it remains uncertain whether the group obtained a permit for the event, raising questions about the legality and regulation of their demonstration.

Speculation Arises on Potential Link Between Global Events and Domestic Demonstrations Amid Patriot Front March

Other X users speculated that the ongoing student protests across college campuses in response to the Israel-Hamas conflict could have been a motivating factor behind the Patriot Front group’s decision to begin their march.

Source: Youtube/Al Jazeera English

This speculation raises questions about potential connections between global events and domestic demonstrations.

Protests Erupt as Patriot Front March Coincides with Student Demonstrations

College students have been actively participating in both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian protests since the onset of the Israel-Hamas conflict. On October 7, Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, carried out its deadliest attack on Israel in history, prompting Israel to respond with its heaviest airstrikes targeting Gaza.

Source: YouTube

The Associated Press reported that as of Sunday, at least 1,200 people have been killed in Israel, according to the Israeli government. At the same time, over 34,000 Palestinians have lost their lives in Gaza, as stated by the Gaza Health Ministry.

Veteran Group Raises Alarm Over Patriot Front’s Presence in Charleston

Protests have erupted nationwide as tensions escalate, with calls for a lasting ceasefire amid the mounting civilian death toll.

Source: Youtube

A user on X and the non-partisan group Veterans For Responsible Leader expressed concern”Angry at student protesters? White supremacists are marching in Charleston, WV. No police. Keep your eye on the ball”.

Journalist Calls Out Discrepancy in Treatment of Protesters vs. Hate Groups

Journalist Ahmed Shihab-Eldin stated, “Right now about 90-150 WHITE SUPREMACISTS identified as the ‘Patriot Front’ are advancing towards the state capital located in Charleston, West Virginia.


He also remarked,” Merica, where white supremacist anti-semites classified as a hate group can march freely, and students calling for an end to genocide and freedom and equality are brutally arrested, suspended, and evicted. Wonder why cops aren’t arresting them?”

Previous Controversy of Patriot Front Members Sentenced for Plotting Riot at Idaho Pride Event, Renewing Scrutiny

Members of the Patriot Front have faced controversy before, with five individuals from the group receiving jail sentences for conspiring to riot at a Pride event in Idaho in 2022.

Source: NPR/Elaine Thompson

The men were accused of plotting to incite violence at the Coeur d’Alene LGBTQ+ Pride event.

31 Patriot Front Members, Including Founder, Arrested Following Suspicious Activity Report in Coeur d’Alene

Police reported that a total of 31 Patriot Front members, including one identified as its founder, were arrested following a witness report of individuals loading into a U-Haul van resembling “a little army” at a hotel parking lot in Coeur d’Alene.

Source: Youtube

The arrests were made in response to concerns raised about the suspicious activity observed by a member of the public.

Calls for Vigilance Against Hate Groups Echo Across Communities

In the wake of Patriot Front’s march in Charleston, calls for vigilance against hate groups resonate across communities.

Source: Wikimedia/Thivierr

From grassroots activists to political leaders, the incident ignites efforts to combat extremism and promote tolerance, highlighting the collective responsibility to safeguard societal values.