Democrats will reportedly need to spend a lot of money to help Senator Sherrod Brown in his campaign. This is especially the case after Ohio Republican voters recently nominated Bernie Moreno to run against Brown.

Ohio Transitioned From Swing State To Pro-Trump

Ohio was once known as a swing state when it came to election season. However, the state has reportedly transitioned away from that status recently.

Source: Pixabay

Multiple reports confirm that the state is now essentially a solid pro-Trump state. It essentially serves as a primary Republican outpost within the Midwest.

Brown Has Received Additional Assistance From ‘Earmarks’

Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown has reportedly received some additional assistance within two spending bills that passed earlier this month. A highlight of the assistance came from what has been referred to as “earmarks.”

Source: Pixabay

Earmarks are the elements of the appropriation process that pave the path for members to request funding for specific projects within their home district or state.

Congress Used To Include Earmarks To Get Support For Must-Pass Legislation

Congress used earmarks for many years as an effective tool. The tool was used to get support for must-pass legislation.

Source: Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

Congress would essentially use “earmarks” to get support from the members – especially when it came to the passing of spending bills. A little funding for a pet project can essentially soften the blow of a bill that is not liked.

Sarah Palin Said, ‘Thanks But No Thanks’ To Earmarks After 2008 Financial Crisis

Sarah Palin once said “thanks but no thanks” to the earmark concept overall. This took place in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.

Source: Pixabay/Dave Davidson

Palin was specifically referring to the “Bridge to Nowhere” concept that was pushed by her Republican congressman. Clearly, earmarks had established a bad reputation over time.

The Removal And Return Of Earmarks Within A 10-Year Period

The earmarks concept as a whole was killed and essentially revived within a 10-year period. For instance, earmarks were banned entirely after the Republicans took control over the House of Representatives back in 2011.

Source: Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

Once the Democratic Party assumed control of both chambers in 2021, that all changed. Earmarks reportedly made their way back into the picture.

Earmarks Can Help Senators That Are Stuck In Tough Races

By design, earmarks can reportedly assist some Senators that are trapped in tough races. By taking advantage of these provisions, those Senators can honestly say that they got something done within their respective home states.

Source: Pixabay/WokandaPix

These type of assistance can actually come in handy for a quite a few Senators that are currently in a tough spot – such as Senator Brown of Ohio and Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.

Senator Brown Could Highlight $15.2M Received In Spending Bill

Senator Sherrod Brown could take advantage of earmarks when painting a clear picture of what his efforts have created throughout the state of Ohio. For instance, he could highlight the $15.2 million that he received from the spending bill.

Source: Wikimedia/NASA Glenn Research Center

This $15.2 million reportedly included the $1.32 million reserved to be used by the Big Walnut Joint Fire District Fire Station located in Marengo, Ohio.

Senator Brown Also Helped With Research Center At University Of Dayton

Senator Sherrod Brown also reportedly could highlight the work that he did for the University of Dayton. He and Republican Representative Mike Turner used $2 million from the spending package to fund the research center on campus.

Source: Flickr/Mike

Senator Brown first became the senior U.S. senator in Ohio after George Voinovich retired back in 2011. Brown made history since then by being the only Democratic statewide elected official throughout the state.

Senator Brown Started His Political Career In The Mid-1970s

Senator Sherrod Campbell Brown reportedly began his political career in the mid-1970s. Brown started serving as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives in January of 1975.

Source: Flickr/Goodread Bio

He later served as the 46th Secretary of State of Ohio and then as a member of the US House of Representatives from Ohio’s 13th District. He became a ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee in January of 2015.

Senator Tammy Baldwin Faces Similar Challenge In Wisconsin

Senator Tammy Baldwin apparently faces a similar challenge in Wisconsin. Trump won the state back in 2016, but then Biden flipped it to the Democratic side during the 2020 election.

Source: Flickr/Howard Vrankin

Baldwin would be able to campaign on codifying protections for interracial and same-sex married couples. She could also highlight her pro-labor stances within her campaign as well.

Baldwin Brought Back Over $11 Million From Spending Package For Wisconsin

Senator Baldwin can also add the spending bill to her list of highlights and accomplishments during her time in office. She worked hard to get Wisconsin a substantial share of the federal dollars allotted.

Source: Pixabay

For instance, she was able to bring back over $11 million in projects for the state exclusively from the agriculture bill. She even worked alongside Republican Derrick Van Order to bring money back to the rural state as well.

Senator Jon Tester Did Not Request Any Money From Spending Bill

Senator Jon Tester took a different approach from Senators Brown and Baldwin regarding the spending bill. The Senator from Montana reportedly decided to not request any money from the spending package at all.

Source: Wikimedia/Senator Tester

This may come back to bite Tester later – especially since the state voted for Donald Trump by 16 points. However, he could spin it in his advantage by referring to himself as someone that refused to take kickback deals from Washington.

Senator Rick Scott Described Earmarks As ‘Corrupt’, Says They ‘Must Be Stopped’

Senator Rick Scott from Florida faces re-election and is not very popular within his own party. However, he likely did not request any money from the spending bill.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Senator Scott once stated that “earmarks are Washiikimedia ngton’s corrupt way to recklessly spend taxpayer money with zero scrutiny.” Scott further stated that they “must be stopped.” Scott further explained that the “minibus spending bill has more than 6,600 projects that will cost taxpayers $12 billion.”

Senator Mike Lee: Washington’s ‘Penchant For Playing Puppeteer’ Must End

Senator Mike Lee of Utah had similar feelings regarding the use of earmarks within the U.S. Lee was once quoted as saying that, “Washington’s penchant for playing puppeteer with taxpayer dollars must end.”

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Lee further explained that earmarks “corrupt government processes.” He added that they have been “eroding the trust between the governed and those entrusted to govern.”