Ronny Jackson, a Republican congressman from Texas that once served as the White House physician, has reportedly been demoted by the U.S. Navy. The report indicates that his demotion pushed him back from being a rear admiral to a captain.
Demotion Caused By Substantiated Allegations Of Inappropriate Conduct
A report from the Pentagon inspector general confirmed that there were substantiated allegations filed against Ronny Jackson. The allegations were made on the grounds of inappropriate conduct.

The inappropriate conduct allegedly occurred during Jackson’s term as White House physician. The demotion was reportedly processed in July of 2022.
Jackson Continues To Refer To Himself As Rear Admiral Years After Demotion
As mentioned, the demotion was finalized nearly two years ago. However, multiple reports confirm that Ronny Jackson still refers to himself as a rear admiral.

This controversial decision has raised questions regarding his public image. More specifically, it has raised questions and doubts about his integrity and credibility in addition to the accuracy of his public image.
Inspector General Report Creates Troubling Picture Of Jackson’s White House Tenure
The report in question, which was released in March of 2021 by the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General, reportedly shined a negative light on the time he served in the White House. His inappropriate conduct was allegedly directed at females.

The report indicated that Jackson repeatedly berated subordinates. He also made denigrating and sexual comments about a particular female subordinate.
Jackson Drank Alcohol During Presidential Trips Even Though Prohibited
Ronny Jackson reportedly consumed alcohol during presidential trips. This may not seem like a major offense to those with limited knowledge or insight on the matter.

However, Jackson’s position must be considered to have the proper perspective. As someone responsible for providing medical care to U.S. officials, he was strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol while on duty.
Military Policy Expert Highlights $15,000 Pension Pay Gap Between Jackson’s Positions
Katherine L. Kuzminski, a military policy expert, reportedly highlighted the pay discrepancy presented by Jackson’s decision to claim a position that he no longer held. According to the report, there is a substantial difference between the annual pension of a retired one-star admiral and a retired captain.

The difference is reportedly over $15,000 between the two positions. This gap is more than likely prone to increase even more as time passes due to the pay rate adjustments in the military.
Jackson Dismissed Inspector General’s Report As Politically Motivated
Ronny Jackson apparently dismissed the Inspector General’s original report. This likely explains why he refused to acknowledge his demotion.

He wrote about it in his memoir titled “Holding the Line,” which was released in July of 2022. He indicated in the book that the inspector general’s report was politically motivated.
Ronny Jackson: Investigation Would Have Failed If He Did Not Get Into Politics
Jackson claims that his decision to avoid retirement and get involved with politics is what apparently caused the investigation. He wrote in his memoir that if he “had retired and not gotten into politics, this investigation would have never gone anywhere.”

The memoir reportedly did not address Jackson’s demotion from the Navy at all. He continues to identify himself on his official congressional website as a retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral.
Ronny Jackson Claimed He Was ‘A Perceived Threat To The Biden Administration’
Jackson also claimed in his memoir that he was a “perceived threat to the Biden administration.” He stated that it was one of the reasons why the investigation happened in the first place.

He also stated that the investigation occurred since “a few political appointees in the Department of Defense want to make a name for themselves.” The downgrading of Jackson’s position from rear admiral to captain, which occurred in the summer of 2022, was reportedly confirmed by a current military official and a former defense official.
Jackson Previously Served Under Former Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump
Ronny Jackson first arrived at the White House medical unit in 2006. He worked under former U.S. Presidents Barack Obama during his two terms and then Donald Trump.

Jackson was widely known within the White House for his complimentary 24/7 medical care to numerous officials within the White House and their respective families. His overall approach kept him in a favorable light within both presidential administrations.
Jackson’s Promotion Trail Was Previously Interrupted By Allegations
Jackson was first promoted to a one-star admiral in October of 2016. He later attempted to become nominated as the Secretary of Veteran Affairs in 2018.

However, the attempt ultimately failed after the emergence of allegations filed against him. Even with the allegations on file, Jackson continued to serve as a medical adviser at the White House during the Trump administration before he ran for a US congressional seat in Texas.
Jackson Criticized President Biden, Publicly Questioned His Cognitive Health
Ronny Jackson made headlines back in 2020 when he criticized Joe Biden for his cognitive frailty, raising questions about his cognitive health. At the time, Jackson himself was running for a U.S. congressional seat.

Jackson retweeted a video of what he referred to as Biden’s “latest cognitive misadventure.” His retweet included the message: “Remember the cognitive test that I gave [Donald Trump?] The one he aced! Sounds like somebody else might need some testing done.” He added that it was “scary.”
Jackson Referenced His Criticism Of Biden’s ‘Crazy Statements’ In Memoir
In his memoir, Ronny Jackson elaborated on what he referred to as “crazy statements” made by President Biden. He stated that Biden was “making crazy statements and concerning mental gaffes” on television.

Jackson further claimed that Biden “didn’t know what state he was in or what office he was campaigning for” regarding the 2020 campaign season. Jackson added that “this had been going on for months and was getting worse.”
Jackson: ‘Trump Never Made Crazy Statements Like The Ones Biden Was Making’
Jackson claimed that “Trump never made crazy statements like the ones Biden was making almost every day.” He also wrote that “people were jumping up and down” claiming that Trump was “not fit to be president” and that he needed a cognitive test.

Jackson later stated in an interview with Fox News that he was the “first to say that we have a serious problem” with Biden’s “cognitive demise” and that he “will not make it four years in office.” He added that he “always said there would come a point where it wouldn’t be just me talking about it.”
Former President Obama Emailed Jackson About His Criticism Of Joe Biden
Within 20 minutes of posting his controversial tweet regarding Joe Biden in 2020, former U.S. President Barack Obama sent him what was described as a “scathing” email. Jackson referenced the Obama email in his memoir as well.

Obama stated that he initially refrained on commenting on his service during the Trump administration and that he had “always spoken highly” of Jackson “both in public and private.” However, he made it clear that he was disappointed at the “cheap shot” that Jackson took at Joe Biden via Twitter. Obama explained that it was “unprofessional and beneath the office that you once held.” He also viewed it as personally disrespectful to him and “the many friends” that Jackson had during the Obama administration.