For a guy who walks around like he’s the toughest in town– brimming with “I’m right and you’re wrong!” bluster like the cock of the walk – Donald Trump is actually nothing but a big chicken.

The first of his criminal trials is set to commence on Monday in New York City. They’re quite a number so it’s alright if you’ve confused which one it is. This one involves Stormy Daniels, the adult film star he’s been accused of paying off to stay mute about their alleged affair prior to the 2016 presidential election.

Trump Claims Case Is A Plot Against Him

He has called the adult film star a “Horseface” and has written on social media that “She knows nothing about me, a total con!” He tagged the case as “the Stormy ‘horseface’ Daniels extortion plot last year.

Source: X/lbc_chronicles

Trump has repeated that the case is part of a vast left-wing plot against him, a “Witch-Hunt to destroy the Make America Great Again movement” and “Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history.” 

All Talk As Usual

It’s the eve of his first criminal trial. Any guesses on what Trump has been up to? You guessed right, all talk as usual.

Source: X/pivxcoin

Trump released a statement back in March 2023 where he name-checked Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and bragged: “So our Movement, and our Party – united and strong – will first defeat Alvin Bragg, and then we will defeat Joe Biden.”

Trump: Courtroom Clash Or Chicken Dance?

You’d reckon a cocky dude like Trump would be itching to storm into court with his legal posse and show those “Thugs and Radical Left Monsters” who’s boss, to pull back the curtains on this bogus persecution/prosecution, and to rub his squeaky-clean innocence right in their smirking mugs.

Source: X/Inspire_hub2054

Well, that’s what we all expected. But Trump has been doing the opposite. On the contrary, he’s been pulling out all stops to delay the trials. His lawyers have filed three separate pointless appeals all in one week—yeah, just this week—and they’ve all been shot down. 

Can’t Get A Fair Trial In Manhattan, Trump Says

He’s been grumbling that he can’t get a fair trial in Manhattan where the judge gave him an unconstitutional gag order. He also thinks the judge has a conflict of interest because his daughter works as a Democratic political consultant.

Source: Joshua Roberts

Don’t be surprised if he shows up in court on Monday with sirens blaring—Nah, not the police—from an ambulance, whining about how the deep state gave him a fever.

Talking Tough, But Actions Say Otherwise

This doesn’t show the behavior of a brave, self-assured person who believes they’re innocent and will stand up to prove it. It seems like Trump isn’t confident in his innocence and doesn’t know how to confront challenges head-on.

Source: X/krassenstein

He just slings mud and takes flight shouting: “I have never slung any mud! That is FAKE NEWS!”

He Just Runs And Keeps Running

Just like every time Trump describes himself as a “great” president or a “brilliant” businessman, it’s all just a facade. 

Source: X/TheElectionPost

Behind the flashy labels, there’s incompetence and cowardice. Trump portraying himself as a fighter? Laughable! He never actually fights; he just runs and keeps running.

Playing The Blame Game

After his defeat in the 2020 presidential election, his off-the-charts narcissism didn’t let him believe the results. What did he do? Play the blame game. Blame it all on Vice President Mike Pence.

Source: X/Mike_Pence

It wasn’t a free or fair election. What does he do next? March into the halls of Congress to stop the new president from being coronated since he believes the facts were in his favor? Nah. That’s not Trump.

Talk While Others Take Action

Instead, he decided to incite his most easily misled supporters, encouraging them to storm the U.S. Capitol, ultimately leading to their arrests.

Source: X/Denise10231976

If he loses again in November, he’ll likely follow the same pattern – talking tough but ultimately relying on his most devoted followers to take action. With the trial starting on Monday, Trump will finally be held accountable for his actions.

Trump Makes History On Monday

So on Monday, except a miracle happens the man who rates himself so highly that he signs autographs on Bibles will walk into a courtroom. By so doing, he’ll make history. Though not the kind he would want.

Source: X/ybarrap

He’ll become the first-ever former United States president to face a jury of his peers in a criminal trial. 

Terrified Of Being Held Accountable

He’s absolutely terrified of facing accountability. His deep-seated narcissism has shielded him from consequences so far.

Source: X/Patrici10834779

If he had any real confidence, he wouldn’t be relying on lawyers – likely funded by GOP donors rather than his own money – to use every legal tactic possible to delay the process.

Nowhere To Run Or Hide On Monday

Neither will he be spending hours online, at every rally, at every opening, and every chance he gets rattling and whining and woe-is-me-big. He’ll be preparing his battle armor, getting himself prepared, self-assured, and eager to clear his name and prove that all of this is a plot after all.

Source: X/Hyacinthedml

He’d be tough. Sadly, he’s anything but tough. Trump is a chicken. A scared, clucking chicken who, as of Monday, will have nowhere to run to.

A Rundown Of What To Expect At The Jury

Starting Monday, jury selection is anticipated to take one to two weeks. Prosecutors and Trump’s legal team will work to narrow down a large pool of potential jurors to 12 main jurors and six alternates. 

Source: Thetexastrialattorney

Each juror will answer 42 questions aimed at determining their impartiality regarding the divisive former president. These questions cover topics like their preferred news sources and any past attendance at Trump rallies or protests. The jurors will remain anonymous to the public due to security reasons.

Will Trump Have To Be In Court Everyday?

Unlike the civil fraud and defamation trials in New York, the DA’s case against Trump is criminal, meaning he has to be in court every day to defend himself. The trial doesn’t run on Wednesdays, but Trump has to be in court the other four days each week.

Source: X/Newsweek

The trial days are expected to go from 9:30 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. Trump has hinted that he might hold campaign events in the evenings after his court appearances during the day.