There is reportedly an unprecedented level of concern brewing among Trump administration alums as the countdown clock to the upcoming presidential election continues to tick away. Multiple reports have confirmed that quite a few of the politicians that worked closely with the former U.S. President during his time in the Oval Office now oppose his potential reelection. 

Former Deputy Press Secretary Resigned After January 6, 2021 Attack

Former Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews resigned from her position in the aftermath of the January 6, 2021 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol. She was working in the White House as the mob of Trump supporters tried to stop President Joe Biden’s victory from being certified.

Source: Wikimedia/Martin Falbisoner

She reportedly noted exactly how the staff tried to get Donald Trump to condemn the violence. However, even after they spent hours doing so, their attempts were not successful.

Sarah Matthews: ‘It Was A Complete Dereliction Of Duty’, ‘I Lost All Faith In Him’

Matthews opened up about the experience during an interview with USA Today. She stated that “it was a complete dereliction of duty that he did not uphold his oath of office.”

Source: Wikimedia/House Creative Services

She added that she “lost all faith in him that day.” Matthews views Donald Trump as a threat to democracy after he allegedly tried to steal the 2020 election. According to USA Today, she reportedly feels that he would do it again.

Former Trump Defense Secretary: ‘I’m Definitely Not Voting For’ Trump

Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper made his opposition of Trump’s reelection clear during an interview with Bill Maher on his show, Real Time with Bill Maher. He mentioned that “I’m definitely not voting” for Donald Trump.

Source: Wikimedia/Lisa Ferdinando, DOD

Regarding whether he would vote for President Biden, Esper claimed simply that “I’m not there yet.”

Mark Esper Criticized Trump For Mishandling Of Classified Information

Mark Esper previously criticized Donald Trump for the mishandling of classified information after his presidential term concluded. He stated that “people have described him as a hoarder when it comes to these types of documents.”

Source: Pixabay/Gino Crescoli

However, Esper made his stand clear when he stated that it was “unauthorized, illegal, and dangerous.” He further explained that “it’s just irresponsible action that places our service members at risk, places our nation’s security at risk.”

Mike Pence ‘Cannot In Good Conscience’ Support Trump’s Reelection

Mike Pence opened up about Donald Trump and the possibility of his reelection in an interview with Fox News. The former Vice President stated that he “cannot in good conscience” support Trump since they have “profound differences” regarding their views on multiple issues.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Fox News host Martha MacCallum asked him about his voting plans for the upcoming election during the interview. Pence responded by stating “it should come as no surprise that I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year.”

Mike Pence Is Still ‘Incredibly Proud Of The Record Of Our Administration’

Even though Mike Pence claims he will not support Trump this time around, he is still happy about the work accomplished during their time together in the past. Pence was quoted as saying, “I’m incredibly proud of the record of our administration.”

Source: Wikimedia/Office of the President of the United States

He added that “it was a conservative record that made America more prosperous” and “more secure.” He further expressed that the administration “saw conservatives appointed to our courts in a more peaceful world.”

Mike Pence Opposing Trump Does Not Mean He Supports Biden

When asked if he would vote for President Biden, Pence did not hesitate to shoot down the idea. He stated, “I would never vote for Joe Biden.”

Source: Wikimedia/Michael Stokes

Pence further explained that “how I vote when that curtain closes, that will be for me.” He reportedly dismissed the idea of running as a third-party candidate himself or supporting any other third-party candidate.

John Bolton: ‘If His First Four Years Were Bad, A Second Four Will Be Worse’

Former National Security Advisor of the U.S. John Bolton served during the Trump Administration. In his book titled “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir,” Bolton wrote that, “if his first four years were bad, a second four will be worse.”

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

In a new foreword, Bolton expressed that “facts are blunt instruments.” According to Bolton, “a mountain of facts demonstrates that Trump is unfit to be President.”

Bolton Predicts Second Trump Term Would Be ‘Retribution Presidency’

John Bolton further predicted that a second presidential term for Donald Trump would essentially be a “Retribution Presidency.” Bolton believes that Trump would want “White House staffers to follow his orders without asking troubling questions.”

Source: Wikimedia/Matt H. Wade

He added that the staffers would “not be known for independent, creative thinking.” On the contrary, they would be known for “just personal fidelity to Trump.”

Former White House Aide: ‘A Vote For Trump Is A Vote For Fascism’

Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson stated that “a vote for Trump is a vote for fascism.” She added that “it’s a vote to start marching our country towards a dictatorship.”

Source: Flickr/University of Chicago Institute of Politics

Referring to constitutional republic and democratic institutions, Hutchinson highlighted the need to be able to have conversations “to make sure that every vote goes to the candidate that promises to keep those institutions intact.” She previously stated that she would “do whatever it takes to make sure that Donald Trump is never near the Oval Office ever again.”

Hutchinson Calls On Press, Media Outlets To Avoid ‘Amplifying Rhetoric’ Of Election

Hutchinson knew that the possibility of another Joe Biden and Donald Trump ticket was high for this year’s upcoming election. As a result, she called on media outlets and press to responsibly handle the election coverage.

Source: Pixabay/Tumisu

She encouraged them to not focus on “amplifying rhetoric rather than reporting facts.” She added that the press “really needs to pay attention and be conscious about that” since “we saw what happened in 2016.”

Nikki Haley: Trump ‘Has No Business Being Commander In Chief’

Long before she ran against him for the Republican Party nomination, Nikki Haley served as Donald Trump’s United Nations ambassador. After dropping out of the presidential race, Haley made headlines when she decided to withhold her endorsement.

Source: Wikimedia/South Carolina Governor Nikki R. Haley

Haley stated that “someone who continually disrespects the sacrifices of military families has no business being Commander in Chief.” The comment was made after Trump mocked Nikki’s husband who was overseas on a military deployment.

At Least 16 Trump Officials Have Spoken Out Against Trump

A political scientist and three presidential historians were interviewed by USA Today to discuss the severity of the criticism emerging from former Trump officials. It was confirmed that the sheer number of people (a minimum of 16) that have spoken out against the former U.S. President is very unusual.

Source: Pixabay/Gunter

Those interviewed claimed that this has no historical precedent within the last century. Lindsay Chervinsky, a senior fellow from Southern Methodist University’s Center for Presidential History, expressed that, “I don’t think we’ve seen anything like this, certainly not in the last 100 years.”

There Are Still Plenty Of Former Officials In Support Of Donald Trump

There is still a considerable number of former Trump administration officials that are in support of Donald Trump. For instance, former Trump Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross have expressed their support.

Source: Pixabay/WokandaPix

Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt highlighted the support in a statement released to USA Today. She stated that “there were dozens of Cabinet Members, hundreds of White House employees, and thousands of political appointees who proudly served in the Trump Administration.” According to Leavitt, they “continue to strongly support President Trump.”